
The schedule for this weekend's Eagle classic will be posted on both our website and app shortly. To get the app go to your app store and search AFBE. All scores and standings will be updated throughout the weekend. If you are playing the first game of the day the doors will open about 30 minutes prior to the first game. At the conclusion of you game please take scoresheets to ticket table and write final score at the scorer's table so we can keep everything updated on the app. Just as a reminder each team can sign in 3 people for no cost. If you have any questions you can email me at or call missy at 1-866-906-2323. We are looking forward to a great weekend of basketball.

Admission for the tournament is cash only:
Weekend pass: $20 for adults and $10 for students and seniors
Daily pass $8 for adults or $5 seniors and students

5/6/2024 11:54 AM
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