Hoosier Co-Op presents

Shamrock Classic IN-Showcase 2023 - Johnson

March 15-17, 2019
Westfield, Indiana



Check all your scores for accuracy, excluding games just concluding and currently going on. We will start working on pushing brackets forward once pool play closes in the next hour. Text any clerical errors to 317-997-2936 prior to 8pm (with game time/ gym location/court/ divsion/teams/ correction)

3/16/2019 7:08 PM

Coaches, we have made every attempt to create a quality schedule and accommodate your requests. If your change request didn't make the final cut, know it was just impossible to make it work out. For that I am very sorry. From this point forward we're only interested in clerical errors. Email classic@westfieldbasketball.com to make us aware of those. We have to move on to Sunday bracket play. Any change from this point forward will result in a system text or email.

3/13/2019 9:37 PM

IN-Showcase 2023 - Johnson

Schedule Loading...

All event related questions should be directed to Darrin Simpson at classic@westfieldbasketball.com or call 3176630665.