RCS Sports presents

Spring Ice Breaker 2023 Schedule

March 17-19, 2023
Houston, Texas
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


Attn Coaches:

There is a site supervisor / problem solver at each location. You are strongly encouraged to see the following persons regarding protests or if needed.

Coach Hooks @ ULH

Coach Ebow @ The GYM

Officer Hoskins @ Mi3

Rick Nelson @ Sun Auto

Be advised, If you attempt to call Jim Hicks, his cell is on DO NOT DISTURB mode until 3:30

3/19/2023 10:51 AM

Effective immediately!

OVERTIME - no additional time is place on the clock. The WINNER will be decided by the first team to score an additional 4 POINTS from the end of the regulation score.

3/19/2023 8:24 AM

Congratulations to all teams who advanced into the championship bracket.

Be advised of the following important rules:

1. All ROSTERS have been locked, and no additional players may be added or permitted to suit up IF they were not on your roster prior to Sunday.

2. $1,000 will be DONATED to the champions of each bracket. PRIOR TO the championship game, the teams are requested to supply the site supervisor with the name of the non-profit organization which you wish for the check to be made out to.

3. PROTESTS - must be made with 15 minutes of the END of your game. Protesting teams must notify the site supervisor within that respective time span, and supply in writing / text (713-539-1067) the following: Team Name / Team Protesting / Reason for Protest / Specific Player(s) along with jersey numbers.

3/19/2023 7:11 AM

If your team is schedule to play a RUBBER GAME on Sunday, and you do NOT plan to be present, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you text 713-539-1067 and inform us asap.

We do not want to have an opponent and their parents come to gym for a forfeit. That would not be cool at all. We run great events and wish to end the SIB2023 on a great note.

3/18/2023 10:39 PM

The SCHEDULE has been updated! Be sure to check and ensure your game times have not been affected.

The following times are available for those teams wishing to play an extra game:

Sun 1:55 for a 9th grade team who happens to lose in bracket play

3/18/2023 10:10 PM

We are currently updating SUNDAY SCHEDULE in an effort to provide an opportunity for our out of town guests to play a game times which enables them to travel home safely during the daylight.

Meaning, RUBBER GAMES (not in the championship bracket) consisting of an OUT OF TOWN team may be moved from afternoon to the morning hours.

If this applies to your team, please REPLY asap with a time recommendation for your RUBBER GAME. #SIB2013

3/18/2023 7:55 PM

Be advised: 1 team has pulled out and SATURDAY's schedule for MI3 Center and possibly WILL BE UPDATED this evening.

3/17/2023 6:13 PM

Any team who has NOT submitted roster or have not received the roster link needs to TEXT your email address and Team Name to 713-539-1067.

ROSTERS will be locked (no players may be added) after POOL PLAY!

Players may ONLY participate with one team in the Tourney Division.

It is the responsibility of the program coaches to ensure you are in compliance.

Each team will be allowed 3 coaches.

Any additional coaches must purchase armband.

3/17/2023 12:57 AM

Here are the RULES for this year's event. Please share with your basketball family

3/16/2023 3:37 PM

The #SIB2023 schedule has been updated. Please check to ensure your program times / location have or have not changed.

3/15/2023 10:43 AM

Here is the link to the Spring Ice BreakerSCHEDULE which includes brackets.

On social media be sure to follow @RcsSports and use the hashtag #SIB2023


3/14/2023 8:38 PM


The Rcs Sports Unsigned Senior Showcase will take place Friday (11a - 4p). These times allow 12th graders to proceed and join their teams in the SIB without conflict.

There will be an active college coach seated on each bench, and the following coaches are CONFIRMED to be in attendance serving as camp counselors.

Coach Medina (Univ. of St Thomas)

Coach Schumacker + Schwartz (Blinn JC)

Coach Marquez (Melvin College, FL)

Coach Byrd (Coastal Bend JC)

Coach Levinson + Coach Pagan (South Artkansas Tech JC)

Coach Bates (Murray State JC)

Coach Sobey (LSU Shreveport)

Coach Ellis + Coach Wade (Temple JC)

3/14/2023 1:28 AM

Within the next 10 minutes, you should receive a link via email or text to input your ROSTER. If you don't get it, please text your email address along with the team / age to: 713-539-1067

3/9/2023 7:09 PM
Click on a division below or search for a team or athlete to view the schedule.

All event related questions should be directed to Jim Hicks at Solsand1@yahoo.com or call 713-539-1067.