Oregon Amateur Basketball presents

Thanksgiving Quick Qualifier (Sunday) West Linn

November 26, 2023
Salem, Oregon


Coaches & Parents,

The previous e-mail had the incorrect link to the schedule for Sunday:

Here is the correct link https://basketball.exposureevents.com/208268/thanksgiving-quick-qualifier-sunday/schedule

I apologize for the mistake,


11/21/2023 2:23 PM

Coaches & Parents,

The schedule for this Sunday is now available through Exposure. https://basketball.exposureevents.com/208265/oregon-battle-in-the-valley/schedule It can also be viewed on the Oregon Amateur Basketball app. I have sent the schedule over to my web designer and anticipate it being posted to: http://www.oabbasketball.com by midnight.

QUALIFICATION STANDARDS - On a quick qualifier, the only qualification standard is a 2-0 record. Teams that go 2-0 will receive an e-mail on Sunday evening or Monday morning/afternoon informing them of the registration process for state.

STATE REGISTRATION DISCOUNTS -If you earn your bid this weekend, please note that the November early discount for state cuts off on November 30. The entry fee for state is $375. Teams that are qualified and registered by November 30 can register for $300. If you qualify on Sunday, make sure you are prepared to jump on this discount; it will only be available until November 30.


We have brought it back. Coaches, Players & Parents are encouraged to join the mailing list we send to our referees. We have found that when everyone is on the same page in regards to what is being communicated and what the expectations are, there are fewer problems in the gym. If you would like to view the communication our referees receive, please JOIN THE REFEREE COMMUNICATION LIST We will not use this to market events, the only communication you will receive from joining this list will be the same communication our referees receive.

NO SWINGING PLAYERS - Players are restricted to 1 team per weekend. 1 team means 1 team!!!! NO A 5TH GRADER CANNOT PLAY ON A 5TH GRADE TEAM AND A 6TH GRADE TEAM!!!!!! If you feel you have a situation that warrents an exception, we must approve it by 9 am Friday morning. This rule has been in place for a long time and can be found on our website: http://www.oabbasketball.com/rules

UNIFORMS - The visiting team has the responsbility to make sure uniforms contrast to the referees satisfaction. Home/Away teams can be viewed on the venue schedule: https://basketball.exposureevents.com/208268/thanksgiving-quick-qualifier-sunday/documents Referees decision and any penalties imposed are final and not up for debate. Make sure you have multiple colors to wear!

SCOREKEEPERS - All teams are responsible for providing a scoreboard operator or someone to keep our "Game Sheet". This is a requirement, not a request!!!! This person is admitted free! The "Home" team will provide the scoreboard operator; the visiting team will keep the "Game Sheet". Home/Away teams can be viewed on the venue schedule: https://basketball.exposureevents.com/208268/thanksgiving-quick-qualifier-sunday/documents

SPECTATOR BEHAVIOR - Referees have discretion to assess technical fouls for spectator behavior and they are expected to do just that. If they choose to ignore spectators who are being verbally abusive or disruptive to the game, it will impact their future assignments. This is further discussed at the bottom of the message. If your parents get T'd...it came from me!

FACILITIES OPEN – Facilites will open 30 minutes prior to the first game of the day. Do not show up early; you will be denied entry while we are setting up.

EVENT RULES (Note Changes for 2023-24):

*4-8 Minute stop-clock quarters. 4th quarter will be running clock if the lead is 20 points or more. If the lead goes to 19 points or less, normal stop-clock rules will apply
*2-Minute Halftime (Might be cut down if we are behind schedule)
*3 Timeouts per game (1 additional per overtime up to a maximum of 3)
*5 fouls per player
*All Overtimes are 2 minutes
*No pressing or Trapping with a 25-point lead
*7th & 8th Grade Boys use full-size ball. Everyone else uses 28.5 (Girls Ball)


WE NEED OFFICIALS. WE ARE HIRING. WE WILL TRAIN. We are always looking for new officials and we have a training program for people with no experience that want to get into officiating. Pay is $35/game and you are paid at the end of the weekend. There are also incentive bonus' available This training program will start in November and it will be led by active officials ranging from state championship high school officials to officials with professional basketball experience. If this is something you are intersted in, please fill out our prospective official profile sheet: NEW OFFICIALS PROFILE SHEET


WE NEED OFFICIALS MORE THAN WE NEED TEAMS: Yes, we do drop teams from tournaments and ban then from future events with no refund for parent conduct. Parents and coaches are not to confront an official for any reason after the game. Doing so could be a barrier to your programs participation in future events or even completing this event. Refunds will not be given in these instances. If you have issues with referees, read below. Make sure your parents have this information! You are responsible for the conduct of your players and spectators! Referees are instructed to issue technical fouls for spectator behavior!

COACHES - All of our officials are certified. If you have issues with our officials, please note the time of game and court. Call me Monday to discuss the issue. I do not deal with referee issues in the gym. Do not call me about officials during the weekend; you won't like the answer I give you. I can't waive a magic wand and make them better; nor will I move officials to a different court.

That said, You guys are my eyes and ears and I value your opinion as coaches. I want to have the best referees on the court as possible. I need to know who the weak officials are and who the strong ones are. This way, I know who to retain and who to let go once we have sufficiently built up our numbers. You have a voice, you just need to use it in the right, respectable way.

PARENTS - If you have an issue with a referee, you must direct it through your coach. Parents or coaches who confront an official after the game or verbally abuse an official during the game will be banned from future games/events. In some instances we will drop teams from the event with no refund for that event or any future events due to parent conduct. This is not negotiable. You are responsible for the conduct of your spectators. If anyone from your team verbally harass our officials, you run the risk of getting ejected from the gym. I will not entertain conversations of "they need to have thicker skin" or "what I said wasn't that bad....". You open your mouth, you take on the risk associated with it.

We look forward to hosting you this weekend,

-Nick Larsen & Steve Adams
Tournament Directors
(541) 517-4160 (Nick)
(503) 888-8346 (Steve)

11/21/2023 2:20 PM

Coach & Parents,

The list of teams and divisions participating this weekend is now available here: https://basketball.exposureevents.com/208268/thanksgiving-quick-qualifier-sunday/teams The field of teams is also visible on the Oregon Amateur Basketball app. It will be posted to our website: http://www.oabbasketball.com tonight.

Please make sure we have you slotted in the correct division. If you believe you have been slotted in the wrong division or wish to request a different division, you must e-mail me tonight: oabbasketball@gmail.com

REGISTRATION OPEN LATE - We still have space available and have extened registration until 12 pm tomorrow. If you notice a team missing, please let them know they can still get registered. All registration can be done online at: http://www.oabbasketball.com

CONDUCT ISSUES - We have zero tolerance for misbehavior from coaches, players and spectators. Referees have been told that trash talking and taunting is an autmoatic technical foul; no warnings should be issued. Additionally: Adults are expected to act like a mature adult at all times. Referee's have been told that there is zero tolerance for inappropriate conduct and are expected to issue technical fouls to players, coaches and SPECTATORS who choose to act inappropriately. Please make sure your spectators have this information; referees will lose assignments if they ignore inappropriate behavior.

REFEREE COMMUNICATION - JOIN THE REFEREE COMMUNICATION LIST We are bringing back a popular feature from years past. Coaches, Players & Parents are invited to join the mailing list we send to our referees. We have found that when everyone is on the same page in regards to what is being communicated and what the expectations are, there are fewer problems in the gym. If you would like to view the communication our referees receive, please JOIN THE REFEREE COMMUNICATION LIST We will not use this to market events, the only communication you will receive from joining this list will be the same communication our referees receive.

SCHEDULE REQUESTS - Potential game start times range from 8 am to 7:30 pm on Sunday. To request times outside of this window you must fill out a time request online: https://basketball.exposureevents.com/211164/time-request If you are a traveling team, you do not need to pay for this time request or make a request for later start times on Saturday.

SCHEDULES POSTED - Schedules will be posted to our website: http://www.oabbasketball.com Tuesday night by 10 pm.

VENUES - All games will be played at The Pac Event Center in Salem

NO SWINGING PLAYERS - Players are restricted to 1 team per weekend. 1 team means 1 team!!!! NO A 5TH GRADER CANNOT PLAY ON A 5TH GRADE TEAM AND A 6TH GRADE TEAM!!!!!! If you feel you have a situation that warrents an exception, we must approve it by 9 am Friday morning. This rule has been in place for a long time and can be found on our website: http://www.oabbasketball.com/rules

HOTELS/LODGING - Hotels can be booked through Lucid Travel.

Thank you for your support of Oregon Amateur Basketball events. We look forward to hosting you this weekend.

-Nick Larsen & Steve Adams
Tournament Directors
(541) 517-4160 (Nick)
(503) 888-8346 (Steve)

11/20/2023 7:38 PM

West Linn

8th Grade Boys west linn, OR

Schedule Loading...

All event related questions should be directed to Nick Larsen at oabbasketball@gmail.com or call 541-517-4160.