Oregon Amateur Basketball presents

Oregon Girls State Championship Roseburg -#10

February 23-25, 2024
Salem, Oregon
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.



We will close balloting for All-State girls on Monday at 11:59 pm PST. If you haven't completed your ballot please do that by midnight Monday.

We will be announing 1st & 2nd teams as well as Honorable Mention and Coach of the Year at the end of the week.

If you still need the ballot for your division, please e-mail: oabbasketball@gmail.com ASAP

Thank you everyong for your post-tournament participation with this!


3/10/2024 10:23 PM


As the tournament is winding down; thank you to everyone that makes this such a fun event to run!

This year we compile an "All-State" team based on all-tournament nominations. All-State teams will be posted to our social media pages near the end of March.

At this time, we need all coaches to submit their all-state nominations here:

Boys D1 All-State Nominations

Please get these in by Thursday morning.

We will be sending a list of nominations out to coaches by the end of the week. Coaches will vote on all-state teams based on nominees provided. Results won't be posted for a couple weeks, but we can voting to be done while the kids performances over the weekend are still fresh in your heads.

Thank you again for making this a great weekend!
-Nick, Steve & Hemingway

3/3/2024 3:00 PM


Today is the last day to nominate your players for all-state consideration.

Nominations can be done here

All-State Polls will go out to coaches over the weekend. I know this is still a couple weeks away from publication, but we want everyone's performances to still be relatively fresh in your heads as you are filling out the poll.

Thank you everyone for your support of the Girls State Championships!

-Nick, Steve & Hemingway

2/29/2024 5:39 PM


If you haven't doneso alread, please complete All-State Nominations for your team.

All-State Nominations:

I know these won't be published for a while, however I want to get nominees out to all coaches to vote on while the weekend is still fresh in your heads!

Thank you everyone for a great weekend of basketball!!!!

2/27/2024 10:01 PM


As the tournament is winding down; thank you to everyone that makes this such a fun event to run!

This year we compile an "All-State" team based on all-tournament nominations. All-State teams will be posted to our social media pages at the conclusion of the Boys Division 2/Small School Tournament (March 8-10 weekend).

At this time, we need all coaches to submit their all-state nominations here: All-State Nominations

Please get these in by Thursday morning.

We will be sending a list of nominations out to coaches by the end of the week. Coaches will vote on all-state teams based on nominees provided. Results won't be posted for a couple weeks, but we can voting to be done while the kids performances over the weekend are still fresh in your heads.

Thank you again for making this a great weekend!
-Nick, Steve & Hemingway

2/25/2024 1:53 PM

Coaches & Parents,

Important note about parking at the PAC facility this weekend. Obey all parking signs that are posted in the parking lot.

*Do not park in spots that reserved for other businesses in the area (these will be marked with a cone).

*Do not park beyond signs that say "No PAC Parking".

There is an overflow lot up the street if the parking lot is full.

Last weekend, there were a couple volleyball families that had cars towed; the basketball families have generally been very respectful of the parking situation, but please be aware other buisnesses in the area are protective of their parking.


2/24/2024 8:57 AM


It's almost time!!!!!!!!!! We tip in less than 24 hours!

Before the tournament starts, we want to highlight a couple things to keep in mind.

- At the conclusion of the event, we will send out a form for coaches to nominate a few of their players for all-state consideration. When nominations are complete, ballots with all the nominee's will be sent out to all coaches for all-state voting. All-state teams will be posted to our social media pages at the conclusion of all the state tournaments.

3-POINT CONTEST -The 3 point contest will run Saturday and Sunday from 1-4 pm. Drop in at either time during the day at the Pac Community Center.

HOODIE PRE-ORDER - As mentioned in the previous e-mail; our hoodie booth is extremely busy and we do our best to keep up with it. Please pre-order to cut down on wait time and guarantee what you want is in stock!


Looking forward to a great weekend!

2/22/2024 10:20 PM


We inadvertently left a team off the schedule that was qualified and registered. We added them to the field and had to make some minor adjustments to the schedule.

All updates have been made. Please check the website and app for any changes.


2/21/2024 11:19 AM


ALL-STAR SKILLS CLINIC - If your players are attending the all-star skills clinic on Saturday morning, please make sure to reserve your spot here: https://forms.gle/fz4UsxapattuU4dm6 Last year this filled and kids who didn't register were turned away at the door. Make sure your parents have this information and they reserve their spot! There are multiple time slots to select throughout the day.

3-POINT CONTEST -The 3 point contest will run Saturday and Sunday from 1-4 pm. Drop in at either time during the day at the Pac Community Center.

HOODIE PRE-ORDER - As mentioned in the previous e-mail; our hoodie booth is extremely busy and we do our best to keep up with it. Please pre-order to cut down on wait time and guarantee what you want is in stock!


Looking forward to a great weekend!

2/20/2024 10:20 PM


Congratulations on a great season. We are excited to celebrate the conclusion of the winter season this weekend with you in Salem! By now, everyone should have seen there schedule. If you haven't seen it yet, it can be viewed here: https://basketball.exposureevents.com/208289/oregon-girls-state-championship/documents and on the OAB app. We encourage everyone to download the OAB app. Scores are updated in real time as we move through the brackets.

APPAREL PRE-ORDERS - Apparel pre-orders can be done through our web store: https://statetourney.myshopify.com Check it out and we'll have something ready for you to pick up at the Pac Community Center this weekend!

FACILITIES OPEN – Facilites will open 30 minutes prior to the first game of the day. Do not show up early; you will be denied entry while we are setting up.

UNIFORMS - The visiting team has the responsbility to make sure uniforms contrast to the referees satisfaction. Home/Away teams can be viewed on the venue schedule: https://basketball.exposureevents.com/208289/oregon-girls-state-championship/documents Referees decision and any penalties imposed are final and not up for debate. Make sure you have multiple colors to wear!

SCOREKEEPERS - All teams are responsible for providing a responsible adult scorekeeper. This is a requirement, not a request!!!! This person is admitted free! The "Home" team will provide the scoreboard operator; the visiting team will keep the "Game Sheet". Home/Away teams can be viewed on the venue schedule: https://basketball.exposureevents.com/208289/oregon-girls-state-championship/documents

EVENT RULES (Note Changes for 2023-24):

*4-8 Minute stop-clock quarters. 4th quarter will be running clock if the lead is 20 points or more. If the lead goes to 19 points or less, normal stop-clock rules will apply
*2-Minute Halftime (Might be cut down if we are behind schedule)
*3 Timeouts per game (1 additional per overtime up to a maximum of 3)
*5 fouls per player
*All Overtimes are 2 minutes
*No pressing or Trapping with a 25-point lead
*7th & 8th Grade Boys use full-size ball. Everyone else uses 28.5 (Girls Ball)


WE NEED OFFICIALS MORE THAN WE NEED TEAMS: Yes, we do drop teams from tournaments and ban then from future events with no refund for parent conduct. Parents and coaches are not to confront an official for any reason after the game. Doing so could be a barrier to your programs participation in future events or even completing this event. Refunds will not be given in these instances. If you have issues with referees, read below. Make sure your parents have this information! You are responsible for the conduct of your players and spectators! Referees are instructed to issue technical fouls for spectator behavior!

COACHES - All of our officials are certified. If you have issues with our officials, please note the time of game and court. Call me Monday to discuss the issue. I do not deal with referee issues in the gym. Do not call me about officials during the weekend; you won't like the answer I give you. I can't waive a magic wand and make them better; nor will I move officials to a different court.

That said, You guys are my eyes and ears and I value your opinion as coaches. I want to have the best referees on the court as possible. I need to know who the weak officials are and who the strong ones are. This way, I know who to retain and who to let go once we have sufficiently built up our numbers. You have a voice, you just need to use it in the right, respectable way.

PARENTS - If you have an issue with a referee, you must direct it through your coach. Parents or coaches who confront an official after the game or verbally abuse an official during the game will be banned from future games/events. In some instances we will drop teams from the event with no refund for that event or any future events due to parent conduct. This is not negotiable. You are responsible for the conduct of your spectators. If anyone from your team verbally harass our officials, you run the risk of getting ejected from the gym. I will not entertain conversations of "they need to have thicker skin" or "what I said wasn't that bad....". You open your mouth, you take on the risk associated with it.

We look forward to hosting you this weekend,

-Nick Larsen, Steve Adams & Hemingway Huynh
Tournament Directors

2/20/2024 10:14 PM

Coaches & families,

IT'S TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your girls have a had a great season and it's time to cap it off with the State Tournament.

Here is a rundown on what to expect this week.

SEEDING - Polls have been sent to seeding committee and those are due back by midnight tonight (Sunday). We will tabulate results and post them to our social media channels Monday evening or Tuesday.

BRACKET REVEAL -Brackets will be revealed throughout the day on Tuesday. This will all be done on the State Tourney Instagram Page.

SCHEDULE -Schedule will be posted on Tuesday evening.

FRIDAY GAME TIMES - Games will start as early as 3:30 pm on Friday. I know that's early and may involve some missed class time. We are going to try to limit this as much as possible based on geography and how seeds come out. In order to run a true bracketed event, it does require more games to be played and for that to happen we need to start games a little earlier than some may have hoped.

FRIDAY-SUNDAY - Best weekend of the year!

MONDAY (or soon thereafter) - All Tournament nominations will be sent to coaches. They must be returned by the end of the week.

FOLLOWING WEEK (or soon there after) - All State ballots will be sent to coaches with the nominations from the tournaments. Coaches will vote on 1st, 2nd & 3rd teams (depending on nominations).

MID-TO-LATE MARCH - All-State teams revealed.

We're looking forward to hosting everyone this weekend!

-Nick Larsen, Steve Adams & Hemingway Huynh
The State Tournament Team

2/18/2024 9:24 PM


If you haven't already done it, rosters and proof of eligibility need to be submitted ASAP for the Oregon State Championships on March 8-10. This is a requirement that must be completed before your team will be approved for state.


If you have questions, please contact Hemingway Huynh at: 503-951-8262

2/14/2024 9:58 AM


If you haven't already done it, rosters and proof of eligibility need to be submitted ASAP for the Oregon State Championships on March 1-3. This is a requirement that must be completed before your team will be approved for state.


If you have questions, please contact Hemingway Huynh at: 503-951-8262

2/14/2024 9:57 AM


If you haven't already done it, rosters and proof of eligibility need to be submitted ASAP. This is a requirement that must be completed before your team will be approved for state.


If you have questions, please contact Hemingway Huynh at: 503-951-8262

2/14/2024 9:56 AM

Roseburg -#10

4th Grade (Open) Roseburg, OR

Schedule Loading...

All event related questions should be directed to Nick Larsen at admin@statetourney.com or call 541-517-4160.