Elite Sports Events presents

Eliminator Series IV - Boys Documents

March 23-24, 2024
Orlando, Florida


Hello Coaches,

Eliminator Series IV starts in the morning and we can't wait to see you all there! Be sure to review the reminders below.

Warm-Up Balls:

For this event coaches will provide their own warm up balls. We will only provide a game ball. The tournament rules will be printed and on each scorers table for your review.

Rosters are pre-printed and at the score table prior to your game. Those are the official score sheets, no additions will be made. Any jersey number changes NEED to be made during check in or needs to be approved by the Director (Rob Fessler) only.

Registration - Please sign in to your Exposure account and ensure all your players have their current AAU membership numbers and jersey numbers in the system. Rosters will lock on March 22nd at 7pm.

*Memberships can be obtained here ----->>>>>> https://play.aausports.org/joinaau/memberappdirectorpage.aspx

NSID - All players MUST have their NSID verification completed. Coaches DO NOT need to be verified, but the team must have a fully verified printed roster or individual player cards to present at check-in. The roster or player cards must be placed on the score table for each game.

If your players have not completed their verification, please have them complete the link here --->>> https://www.nationalsportsid.com/elite-sports-events-verification/

To follow the game schedule we will be using the AAU Florida app. The top team is ALWAYS home.

Spectator passes are $20 for a one day pass, kid passes $10. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door. https://basketball.exposureevents.com/widgets/v1/payments?eventid=209113

See everyone tomorrow!

Best Regards, ESE Staff

3/22/2024 5:07 PM

Hello Coaches,

We are so excited to have you and your team(s) participating in our AAU/ESE Eliminator Series event. The schedule is live! *No changes can be made.*

Warm-Up Balls:

For this event coaches will provide their own warm up balls. We will only provide a game ball. On the exposure website under documents we will attach the tournament rules so you can all be prepared.


Rosters are pre-printed and at the score table prior to your game. Those are the official score sheets, no additions will be made. Any jersey number changes NEED to be made during check in or needs to be approved by the Director (Rob Fessler) only.

Registration - Please sign in to your Exposure account and ensure all your players have their current AAU membership numbers and jersey numbers in the system. Rosters will lock on March 22nd at 9am.

*Memberships can be obtained here ----->>>>>> https://play.aausports.org/joinaau/memberappdirectorpage.aspx

NSID - All players MUST have their NSID verification completed. Coaches DO NOT need to be verified, but the team must have a fully verified printed roster or individual player cards to present at check-in. The roster or player cards must be placed on the score table for each game.

If your players have not completed their verification, please have them complete the link here --->>> https://www.nationalsportsid.com/elite-sports-events-verification/

To follow the game schedule we will be using the AAU Florida app. The top team is ALWAYS home.

Spectator passes are $20 for a one day pass, kid passes $10. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door. https://basketball.exposureevents.com/widgets/v1/payments?eventid=209113

Please check and recheck your schedule Friday evening incase of any changes.

Best Regards, ESE Staff

3/20/2024 10:22 PM

The following reports can be viewed, printed or downloaded.
More detailed reports can be found on the divisions page.



3/20/2024 2:53 PM


3/23/2024 2:51 PM

Overall Standings

8/10/2023 1:55 PM

All event related questions should be directed to Rob Fessler at flaaubball@gmail.com or call 407-617-9936.