Elite Sports Events presents

Boys 9-Varsity ESE State Finals Schedule

May 17-19, 2024
Orlando, Florida
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


Coaches and Team Staff,

Thank you for participating this past weekend at our State Finals event at Game Point Events Center. Having you spend the weekend with us on the courts was a pleasure. Congratulations to all our winners and Finalists. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see posts and videos from the weekend.

Our team is hard at work preparing for our next events. Registration is open and divisions are filling fast. Secure your team by registering through Exposure through one of the links below.

Up Next:
July 12-14 Elite Summer Classic
Rollins College - 3 Game Guarantee
No memberships needed - Players must be NSID verified
Spots are limited - sign up today!


July 26-28 End of Summer Slam
Orange County Convention Center & Game Point Events Center - 3 Game Guarantee
No memberships needed - Players must be NSID verified
This event has sold out the past 3 years - register today!


If you have any questions please contact registration at 407-831-1900 or registration@elitesportseventsfl.com.

Thank you!

Elite Sports Events


5/20/2024 1:00 PM

Hello Coaches,

We look forward to hosting your teams this weekend at our State Finals.

Just a few reminders to make check-in as quick and easy as possible:

*Check-in will start Saturday at 9:00am.
*Only 2 coaches' bands will be given per team - coaches MUST be listed in Exposure.
*Coaches will provide their warm-up balls.
*All players MUST have their NSID verification completed and PRINTED.
**If your players have not completed their verification, please have them complete the link here --->>>
*Tournament rules are listed in the Exposure App
*Rosters locked on May 16th at 7pm.
*Jersey number changes NEED to be made during check-in.

Spectator passes:
$40 for the adult weekend pass/$25 for an adult one-day pass
Kid passes $10.

All tickets can be purchased with the link below or at the door with cash or card. https://basketball.exposureevents.com/widgets/v1/payments?eventid=209119

Please check and recheck your schedule tonight in case of any changes.

See you soon!
ESE Staff


5/17/2024 10:54 AM

Coaches and Team Staff,

Here are a few reminders for this weekends 9th thru Varsity State Finals:

All teams must bring a PRINTED copy of their NSID rosters.
The schedule will be out after 5pm today.
Rosters lock tomorrow May 15th at 7pm.
**All coaches must be listed in Exposure, maximum 3 per team.
***All players' first and last names with jersey numbers must be listed in Exposure.

Thank you,
ESE Staff


5/14/2024 2:37 PM

Good evening Coaches,

Thank you for registering for our 9th - Varsity State Finals.

NSID - All players MUST have their NSID verification completed. Coaches DO NOT need to be verified, but the team must have a fully verified printed roster or individual player verification to present at check-in. They must be placed on the score table for each game. If your players have not completed their verification, please have them complete the process here ---->>>>

National Sports ID Verification

There will be NO Friday games. Please submit your scheduling requests to rob@elitesportseventsfl.com by Sunday, 5/12/24 at 8pm. Any requests received after that time cannot be accommodated.

Thank you,
Elite Sports Events Staff


5/11/2024 6:19 PM

Good afternoon Coaches,

Thank you for registering for our Boys 9th - Varsity State Finals. Below are a few important dates to be aware of:

1. All payments are due by 5pm on May 10th. We have multiple avenues to complete your payment, please use one of the following Exposure Basketball or Zelle. If you prefer to pay via an invoice, please let us know and we can get one out to you (there is a 6% processing fee for invoicing).

2. All rosters will be locked on May 15th. Please be sure your coaches and players are all listed in Exposure and each player has a jersey number assigned.

3. NSID - All players MUST have their NSID verification completed. Coaches DO NOT need to be verified, but the team must have a fully verified printed roster or individual player cards to present at check-in. They must be placed on the score table for each game. If your players have not completed their verification, please have them complete the process here ---->>>>


4. The Marriott Village Orlando has a block reserved for our event. If you are still looking for accommodations, they have rooms available directly through our link below:


Please reach out to one of us if you have any additional questions,

ESE Staff


5/9/2024 9:13 AM

Good afternoon Coaches,

Thank you for registering for our Boys 9th - Varsity State Finals. Below are a few important dates to be aware of:

1. All payments are due no later than 5pm on May 10th. We have multiple avenues to complete your payment, please use one of the following Exposure Basketball, Zelle or CashApp. If you prefer to pay via an invoice, please let us know and we can get one out to you (there is a 6% processing fee for invoicing).

2. All rosters will lock on May 15th. Please be sure your coaches and players are all listed in Exposure and each player has a jersey number assigned.

3. NSID - All players MUST have their NSID verification completed. Coaches DO NOT need to be verified, but the team must have a fully verified printed roster or individual player cards to present at check-in. They must be placed on the score table for each game. If your players have not completed their verification, please have them complete the process here ---->>>>


4. The Marriott Village Orlando has a block reserved for our event. If you are still looking for accomodations, they have rooms available directly through our link below:


Please reach out to one of us if you have any additional questions,

ESE Staff


4/29/2024 1:58 PM

Download the Exposure Events App

Exposure Events Apple App Exposure Events Android App

Click on a division below or search for a team to view the schedule.

All event related questions should be directed to Rob Fessler at rob@elitesportseventsfl.com or call 407-617-9936.