Bay Area Developmental League presents

2023-2024 BADL Boys League Teams

November 1 - March 2, 2024
Appleton/Green Bay, Wisconsin
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


Good evening Coaches
Please view the following email to see if your team has qualified for the middle school state championships based on games played in the BDL this past season.
Here is the list of teams that qualified: All information about how to register is in the text below and coaches can email Chase who is CC’d in this email if they have any questions.

Message from Middle School State Champiionship Organizers

Your team's performance this season in the Badger/Bay Area/SEW Developmental League has qualified you for State! Based on your record and the State Qualification Standards your squad has the opportunity to face the top qualified school teams from all corners of Wisconsin on March 22-24 in Madison. Game sites include The Nick, an award winning 6-court facility in the heart of the UW-Madison campus!

Tournament details and the current list of qualified teams can be found on the State website. If you're interested in facing other top teams in Wisconsin, with a FOUR game guarantee, register ASAP! Team entry fees are $425 full-price, but register and pay online by midnight on 2/25/2024 and SAVE $75 (only $350)!

- For any questions email
- To save $75, use Entry Fee Discount Code: WDLTEAM
- Discount Code expires at midnight on: 2/25/2024
- View Peace of Mind Refund Policy


2/23/2024 9:50 PM

Good evening all
The weekend scheudle is locked with the excepton of one BOYS BADL issue at Appleton East I am working through--any team affected at Appleton East will be communicated with directly.
It is important everyone reviews their app for their schedule....I had to just fix 12 issues after I completed the schedule last night---the result was a number of site moves---limited game time moves---meaning--I did everything possible to keep your game times the same BUT I may have moved you to a differnet building. I had no choice but to make these moves in order for a site to be opened and ran to get more games in(makeups) and to get everyone done in time for the Packer game--by everyone I mean Host site operators, teams, fans, and most importantly refs. Not going to lie---I love the Packers as much as most of you BUT they sure do make things tough when the playoffs come....for the sake of my last 2 sleepless nights---I really hope they play well.

With that said, this nightmare of a schedule is slowly coming to an end---I will move my focus to next weekend and try to work in makeups next week as well for those that didn't get them in this weekend.

Girls EOY tourneys will be held on the following dates:
Weekend of Jan 27-28--we have EOY girl tourneys--those brackets will be released by next Tuesday evening by midnight
3rd grade--Sunday Jan 28@ champ center
4th Grade--Saturday Jan 27 @ Champ Center
5th Bucky--Saturday Jan 27 @ Champ Center
6th Bucky--Sunday Jan 28@Champ Center
7th Badger Red--Sunday Jan 28--site TBD
7th Bucky--Sunday Jan 28--site TBD

Boys BADL EOY Tourneys will be held, for the teams that indicated they wanted to play on the following dates:
3rd grade---Sunday Feb 11---Champ Center and Driveway
4th grade--Saturday Feb 10--Champ Center
5th Grade Red--Feb 18 at Champ Center/Driveway
5th Grade White--Feb 17 at Champ Center/Driveway
5th Grade Bucky--Feb 17 at Champ Center/Driveway
6th Grade Red--Feb 17 at Champ Center/Driveway
6th Grade White--Feb 17 at Champ Center/Driveway
6th Grade Bucky--Feb 18 at Champ Center/Driveway
7th Grade Red--Feb 4 at Driveway/UW Fox
7th Grade White--Feb 17 at Champ Center/Driveway
7th Grade Bucky--Feb 17 at Champ Center/Driveway
8th Grade Red--Feb 4 at Driveway/UW Fox
8th Grade White--Feb 18 at Champ Center/Driveway
8th Grade Bucky--Feb 18 at Champ Center/Driveway

1/17/2024 9:00 PM

Good afternoon all BADL League participants/families--

All games for SATURDAY JANUARY 13TH HAVE BEEN POSTPONED. We are working on makeup dates and will communicate them as soon as host sites are able to give us options.

Sunday January 14th games WILL continue to be played.

Please stay safe, warm and HAPPY Shoveling. Make sure you use proper squating form when shoveling to ensure the protection of your back

Tyler, Mike and Dana

1/12/2024 9:41 AM

Good afternoon all BADL League participants/families--

At this time we can report the following for SATURDAY JANUARY 13 GAMES

At this time we can communicate the following:
1--No games will start before 10 am.

2--If any games are able to under a different schedule with altered game timing rules. NO games have been cancelled at this time. We will push games back once we know what schools will remain in play.

3--We will be sending further updates and infromation as we receive more communication from host sites.

Tyler, Mike and Dana

1/11/2024 5:31 PM

Good afternoon all
With the upcoming weekend forcast we are understandably getting alot of emails asking for the process regarding game being played with weather. The league is at the mercy of the schools and entities hosting the games. If a school district makes the decision to not allow activities we will NOT be able to play those games.
Communicatoin on the status of games will be communicated the following ways:
1--through this message system that goes to all registered coaches and program directors within the respective exposure league/team sign ups
This comes to your email box from Exposure.
2--message sent to all individuals that turned in their childs required online waiver. This comes into your email box thorugh Sportengine
3--on the main page of we will post a list of cancelled sites. Thsi will be the last thing we do in order so it may not be done in a super timely manner as Options 1 and 2 will provide the most efficient way for families to be made aware(if they completed their waivers)

We will only communicate POSTPONED GAMES in a mass setting like this. n Our goal is to have this communiation to be sent our prior to 6:30 AM or earlier on day of games If the games are being played, no communication will go out so not to confuse anyone.

A message will look like the following,"Games being played at XYZ site have been postponed for DATE ENTERED"

Additionally, if a site makes the decision to do a late opening---similar to a schools 2 hour delay--we will communicate the following, "Games at XYZ site will be starting at set time." We will then follow that up with a new timing for the day to get all games in---EX--45 min time slots with running clocks

Teams travfeling in from the BADL to BDL, CWDL to BADL, BADL to CWDL...Mike will be in communication with you on Friday prior to weekends on your plans to ensure everyone is on the same page.

There is a possiblity that some sites run and some don't. At the end of the day, it is your decision to do what you feel is best for your players, families and fans. If a site does run and you decide NOT to attend you must email and let us know. We will then immediately go enter forfeits in for those games so your opponents are aware you will NOT be attending.

Games postponed due to weather may or may not be made up during the season as we will be at the mercy of available court space in future weeks.

We will continue to monitor the upcoming weekends weather and keep in touch. For transpareny, we have already heard from 2 sites that have informed us that if the storm turns into a WARNING they will be closed. THIS IS NOT THE RULE FOR ALL SITES, just sharing what we have already been informed of as sites makes these decisions.

We are never going to make everyone happy with these decisions.

Thank you in advance for your understanding of our weather postponement process.
Tyler, Dana and Mike

1/10/2024 1:28 PM

Good afternoon all

We have been able to secure the Champion Center on the weekend of Feb 10-11 for the BOYS 3rd and 4th grade EOY tourneys---on your forms the EOY tourney was set as TBD

Due to this being earlier than we expected there were teams scheudled to play league games on Feb 10 weekend. We have moved those games to the Feb 3-4 weekend. We understand this may conflict with other scheudled events due to the lateness.of this announcement.

Please reply to the email with what alternate date you want us to move you into for your last round of league games.

The EOY tourney is only a one-day event--
4th grade will be on Saturday Feb 10
Platinum 3rd grade championship--top 8 teams will be on Saturday Feb 10

The remaiing 3rd grade teams will play their tournament on Sunday Feb 11 and will be done before 3 pm to have plenty of time to get home for the Super Bowl that evening

11/26/2023 2:22 PM

Good evening all

The Boys BADL schedule is now live on the app through Dec 9th. We are releasing the schedule week by week with a soft release. A soft release allows us to get feedback on inadvertant errors that our community reps may catch(double ups, games spaced apart more than 3 hours, programs playing their own teams, etc) THIS YEAR--we will not adjust a schedule after Tuesday of the week prior to games WITHOUT communicating with teams affected. If teams forfeit, we will mark them as a forfeit win in the schedule if we can't find teams to replace them by the Friday before a respective weekend. By doing soft week schedule releases we hope to catch all these types of changes weeks prior to games being played. With our new date selection, not scheduling in TBD or non-conference games(expect the few where we have had no choice--less than 7--we feel confident this system will help address the biggest issue we had last year with changing of game times. We appreciate your patience as we work through this process. Our desired goal is to have the entire BADL Boys schedule released by December 1st. Everyone knows their dates based on your selections and/or emails for requested changes. By releasing week by week we should have through December done well before Thanksgiving so families can plan their holiday parties shortly.

Please work with your community reps with any concerns you have regarding schedules so they can communicate with me to ensure your concerns are being heard.
Thank you again for participating in the 2023 BADL Boys league. We look forward to having an enjoyable season of games for your teams to participate in.

While we continue to release dates please have your teams fill out their consent forms by clicking here

You as a coach can view who has submitted by looking at the bottom of this page for your respective grade and team

Also--we have sent roster invite forms to the coach name--please update your rosters by the end of Thanksgiving weekend.

Finally--when viewing the scheudle--we have NO room to move any games---please communicate any schedule issues/concerns with your community BADL rep--they are aware to let us know if they notice the following schedule issues---double up of opponents in the same day
--playing your own programs team--won't happen in regular season play
--big time gap issues--we try to keep games within a 2-3 hour window--expection being a host team where there is no other option to have a team have a big break
--back to back games TRAVELING between schools--not realistic unless absolutely forced to

Crossover games in our other leagues--CWDL and BDL will be loaded into this schedule AFTER we get the full BADL season uploaded

Anything outside of those quesitons please contact your rep so they can compile a list for us to help us stay efficient this season

11/17/2023 10:36 PM

The following teams are officially participating in the 2023-2024 BADL Boys League.
Please note some teams may not be present yet. Click on the team to view more details.

All event related questions should be directed to Mike Hintz at or call 608-395-5311.