Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.
The following venues are being used for this event.
Amplus Academy - Durango Campus
Arbor View High School
Basic Academy of International Studies
Basic Academy of International Studies (BAIS)
400 Palo Verde Dr
Henderson, NV, 89015
1 (1),
2 (2)
Bishop Gorman High School
Bishop Gorman High School (BGHS)
5959 S Hualapai Way
Las Vegas, NV, 89148
1 (1),
2 (2),
Court 3 (3)
Cimarron High School
Clark High School
College of Southern Neveda
Coronado High School
Coronado High School (CHS)
1001 Coronado Center Dr
Henderson, NV, 89052
1 (1),
Court 2 (2),
Court 3 (3)
Del E Webb Middle School
Desert Pines High School
Faith Lutheran Middle School & High School
Faith Lutheran Middle School & High School (FLHS)
2015 S Hualapai Wy
Las Vegas, NV, 89117
1 (1),
2 (2)
FootHill High School
Heinrich YMCA
Jam On It Sportsplex
Jam On It Sportsplex (JAM)
2100 Olympic Ave
Henderson, NV, 89014
1 (1),
2 (2),
3 (3),
4 (4),
5 (5),
6 (6)
Las Vegas Basketball Center
Las Vegas Basketball Center (LVBC)
7350 Prairie Falcon Rd
Las Vegas, NV, 89128
1 (1),
2 (2),
3 (3),
4 (4),
5 (5)
Las Vegas High School
Legacy High School
Mater Academy East Las Vegas
Mojave High School
Northeast Career & Technical Center
Northeast Career & Technical Center (NECTA)
405 W Dorrell Ln
North Las Vegas, NV, 89084
1 (1)
Rancho High School
Shadow Ridge High School
Sig Rogich Middle School
Somerset Academy Losee Campus
Tarkanian Basketball Academy
Tarkanian Basketball Academy (TARK)
2730 S Rancho Dr
Las Vegas, NV, 89103
1 (1),
2 (2),
4 (4),
3 (3)
Western High School
WODE Athlete Center
YMCA - Centennial Hills
All event related questions should be directed to Bigfoot Hoops at info@bigfoothoops.com or call 713-524-3036.