Skyhook Basketball presents

Skyhook Boys International Tournament Austin Maroons

July 5-7, 2024
Round Rock, Texas


Join us tonight for the Skills, Three Point and the Dunk Contest at 6 P.M., open for all divisions. Every player is encourage to participate. Please check the app for court time and court information.
Bring a list to the main office with players names before the start of the competitions.

7/6/2024 11:33 AM

Hi y'all! One of the teams registered for the 9th grade division, SAAS Scholars, just withdrew from the tournament. We will need to make several schedule changes impacting mostly the 9th grade and JV divisions. We will be working digilently right now with such changes. Please check the app during this afternoon for schedule updates. Sorry for the inconvenience this changes may cause but certain things are out of our hands.

7/5/2024 12:35 PM

As part of the Skyhook International Boys Tournament, we will have the Skills Competitions on Saturday at 6:00pm. The competitions will include:
- speed and agility
- 3-point contest
- dunk contest
All competitions are open to all players. We encourage the participation. The players just need to contact any of the staff members in the office on the court level to register and then show up at their court at 6:00pm.
7th/8th grade will compete at court 2.
9th and JV will compete at court 4.
Varsity will compete at court 1.

See y'all there!

7/4/2024 1:49 PM

Please check the Skyhook Basketball app later tonight for some possible minor changes.

7/3/2024 5:12 PM

Hi y'all! The schedule for the Skyhook International Boys Tournament was just released. Check the Skyhook Basketball app for more details. Doors will open at 5:00pm on Friday. Games will kick off at 6:00pm at the Round Rock Sports Center. The tournament rules are attached to this message. Coaches, please share them with your parents. See you there.


7/3/2024 10:12 AM

Today, July 1st, is the last day to register for the Skyhook Boys International Basketball Tournament. You can register through the Skyhook app or by reaching us by email ( Schedule is expected to go out Wednesday morning with first games to start on Friday evening. Stay tuned to the app for more information throughout the week.

7/1/2024 10:01 AM

Austin Maroons

Varsity Austin, TX

Schedule Loading...

All event related questions should be directed to Fernando Gonzalez at or call 7872248118.