14th Annual D1 All Star /Super 100 National Championships Teams Georgia Black
Skills competition begins tomorrow 8:30am -9:30 am for MS GIRLS AND BOYS
9:30am-10:30am HS GIRLS/BOYS
Game Times for Brackets are now posted !!!! Brackets are single elimination
Champions will receive rings and medals
Thank you,
Thank you for attending the 14th Annual D1 Spects/Super 100 Championships. August 9-11@ Duluth HS
D1 All Star Rosters - Click Here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qw-NSyEM4MWmT8rt-Lj35lIi1uKoOPohWDxwtNRbQJI/edit?usp=sharing
We will limit team sizes to 5-7 players, to allow for maximum playing time. We will put the schedule out along with the roster No later than Wednesday noon.
D1 All Star/Super 100 Schedule - https://basketball.exposureevents.com/218410/14th-annual-d1-all-star--super-100-national-championships/schedule
Games will be 20 minute halves , running clock. Clock will stop last two minutes of each half. There will be no free throws, shooting fouls will be counted as 1 point.
Event Itinerary:
Saturday - 8am -10am Player Check in (Uniform Pickup) @ Duluth HS
Saturday - 10:30 am- Opening Ceremonies (ALL). please wear your current travel team uniform
First Round Games - 11:00am
Sunday - Skills Challenge 8:00 am -10am
Playoffs and Championship Games 10:00am - 6pm
Champions will receive - Championship Rings and Medals
Tickets will be availabe at the gate: No Cash will be accepted . Debit and Credit Card Only
Weekend Passes $40
Day Passes $25 per day
Students 7-12 yrs old $10
Childern Under 6 Free
Thank you,
Teams Georgia Black
All event related questions should be directed to Harold Thompson at d1spects@yahoo.com or call 404-454-2919.