Basketball of the Carolinas presents

Hickory Classic Divisions

September 7-8, 2024
Hickory, North Carolina
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Updated versions of Pool Play schedule and Bracket Play are currently posted. There will be more adjustments before final versions are completed. All teams are encouraged to check their schedules several times throughout the day on Friday, September 6 for any changes that are made. Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to work strenuosly to make this event an exciting and enoyable experience for our teams.

We will post a message on Friday, September 6 when schedule revisions have been completed.

9/6/2024 12:55 AM

Initial versions of the Pool play schedule will be posted this afternoon. Sunday Bracket play schedules will be released later this evening. All teams are encouraged to check their schedules several times throughout the day on Friday, September 6 for any last minute changes that may be made. Thank you for your cooperation as we work strenuosly to make this event an exciting one for our young athletes.

Good luck to all teams.

9/5/2024 12:37 PM

Hickory Classic offers the following divisions. Any documents can be viewed, printed or downloaded.

5th Grade Girls


9/6/2024 4:04 PM

Overall Standings

1/23/2024 3:18 PM


9/8/2024 2:04 PM

Championship Bracket

9/8/2024 2:05 PM

6th Grade Girls


9/6/2024 4:04 PM

Overall Standings

1/23/2024 3:18 PM


9/8/2024 2:34 PM

Championship Bracket

9/8/2024 12:55 PM

Silver Championship Bracket

9/8/2024 2:35 PM

7th Grade Girls


9/6/2024 4:04 PM

Overall Standings

9/4/2024 2:57 PM


9/8/2024 2:18 PM

Championship Bracket

9/8/2024 2:19 PM

8th Grade Girls


9/6/2024 4:04 PM

Overall Standings

9/4/2024 2:57 PM


9/8/2024 12:45 PM

Championship Bracket

9/8/2024 12:45 PM

Silver Championship Bracket

9/8/2024 12:47 PM

9th Grade Girls


9/6/2024 4:04 PM

Overall Standings

1/23/2024 3:18 PM


9/8/2024 11:52 AM

Championship Bracket

9/8/2024 11:52 AM

HS Girls


9/6/2024 4:04 PM

Overall Standings

1/23/2024 3:18 PM


9/7/2024 5:54 PM

JV Boys


9/6/2024 4:04 PM

Overall Standings

9/4/2024 2:57 PM


9/8/2024 1:18 PM

Championship Bracket

9/8/2024 1:19 PM

Middle School Boys


9/6/2024 4:04 PM

Overall Standings

1/23/2024 3:18 PM


9/8/2024 1:56 PM

Championship Bracket

9/8/2024 1:57 PM

All event related questions should be directed to Jeff Lamm at or call (828) 712-9730.