YM Athletics presents

Mid-Atlantic Spring Opener Documents

April 13-14, 2024
Berlin, New Jersey


Please review Schedule for your court assignment.


4/13/2024 2:33 PM

I think this is the last change, Schedule for first game times did not move much but please review the schedule and call me with any questions. Look forward to a great event and I did not communicate that well so, see below:
1. Entry Fee: Ages 10 and Up will be $12 for the entire weekend, Ages 5-9 will be $5 for the entire weekend, Children under 5 is free. Wristbands must be worn at all times or pay again. :)
2. Rules will be provided individually and will be at the scorer's table, see attachment.
3. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your start time.
4. Each player will receive a free BallerTV subscription for this weekend activities.

Again thank you.


4/12/2024 6:28 PM

Dear Coaches,
Visit the following link Schedules to view schedules (subject to change).

4/6/2024 8:55 PM

The following reports can be viewed, printed or downloaded.
More detailed reports can be found on the divisions page.



4/5/2024 5:21 AM

Overall Standings

2/24/2024 1:42 PM

All event related questions should be directed to Victor Rozier at contact@ymathletics.com or call 856-535-8886.