Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.
The following venues are being used for this event.
AmeriSports Rockwall
AmeriSports Rockwall (ASR)
3101 Fit Sport Life Blvd.
Suite 100
Rockwall, TX, 75032
1 (1),
2 (2),
3 (3),
4 (4),
5 (5),
6 (6),
7 (7),
8 (8),
9 (9)
Homefield Wyandotte County
Homefield Wyandotte County (HWC)
9250 State Ave.
Kansas City, KS, 66112
1 (1),
2 (2),
3 (3),
4 (4),
5 (5),
6 (6),
7 (7),
8 (8),
9 (9),
10 (10),
11 (11),
12 (12)
MSA Woodland
Westfield Intermediate School
Westfield Intermediate School (WIS)
326 W Main St
Westfield, IN, 46074
1 (1),
2 (2)
Westfield Middle School
Wintrust Sports Complex
Wintrust Sports Complex (WSC)
5499 W. 65th St.
Bedford Park, IL, 60638
1 (1),
2 (2),
3 (3),
4 (4),
5 (5),
6 (6),
7 (7),
8 (8)
All event related questions should be directed to Todd Hensley at toddh@gymratsbasketball.com or call 260-341-8995.