Hi Coach!
I hope you are having a great 2nd half of your summer and you got some downtime with your loved ones.
We appreciate you taking part in our June Academic Showcase events in Gainesville!
We wanted to collect some feedback about the shot clock usage leading up to the Coaching Clinic next month. Please take 2 minutes to send us your feedback on this survey:
Also, if you have not pre-registered for the Coaching Clinic on Saturday, August 24th at Carrollwood Day School in Tampa, please do that here:
We are excited to partner with Coaching U again to bring you another outstanding Clinic with the best coaches in the business. We will send out more details about the event and speakers next week!
Bob Horodyski
Since several of you have asked, we figured one more reminder is in order.
You are REQUIRED to wear High School Game uniforms. We prefer if you use your regular season game uniforms, but we understand if those are not available. But they must reflect your FHSAA School.
Do not wear Club uniforms.
Also, we previously mentioned we would attempt to adjust the schedule to align home/away uniforms better. It did not take long to realize that can't be done. So please ensure you're looking at the schedule in Exposure Events - Home is White, Away is Dark. And always bring both sets to all games.
6/18/2024 9:39 PM
Coaches - Last call for rosters! Please log in and double-check. I still see teams with duplicates, kids with no graduating classes, etc. We go to print in the morning.
6/18/2024 9:34 AM
We hope everyone had a great weekend - Happy Father's Day to all our dads!
We have some important reminders leading up to this week's event.
1) Rosters need immediate attention and must be updated in Exposure Events no later than Tuesday evening, as we print them for the College Coaches on Wednesday. See the Messages section for details. There are teams with 2024 players, no numbers, no graduation years, duplicate players, etc.
2) All bench coaches must be FABC Members. Do this in advance to save time at check-in. See the Messages section for details.
3) Event Rules are posted on the Documents page.
4) Uniforms - Must be SCHOOL uniforms - not Club uniforms. We will update the game schedule so that you only wear 1 set of uniforms daily. Always bring Home and Away to all games, just in case.
5) Scoresheets - You MUST bring your team scoresheet to each game, available with your roster from the Teams area of your Coach Dashboard.
6) Required Hotel Survey - please do this now, otherwise you will do it at check-in prior to receiving your credentials.
6/16/2024 10:04 PM
Thanks for your patience - we had several teams withdraw and had to redo much of the schedule over the past 2 days to make it all realign.
Please find the Week 1 Schedule here.
Please see the other Messages previously posted for details about Membership, Rosters, and other Event info.
Thank you, and see everyone this weekend.
I've looked at the current roster book, and we have some cleanup to do. Some teams have 19 players, and some have 0.
I have sent Roster Update Links to the primary coach contact listed for the event. Check your emails and click the link.
Here are the important fields to have filled in for your players:
Name, Number, Class, Team Name, Height, Weight, Position, GPA, Phone, Email, Twitter
If you've filled in all fields and ensured that your rosters are ready for college coaches, then you can disregard the email.
Thank you for attacking this early so we can check this off on our side.
Accurate Rosters (athlete and coaching staff) in Exposure Events are mandatory for the FABC Showcases.
Here’s why:
(1) Our events are NCAA Certified Events, so all athletes and coaches who participate are submitted to the NCAA Basketball Certification System.�
(2) All Rosters (athletes and coaching staff) are printed and provided to the attending College Coaches to recruit your players. �
(3) Incomplete information for your players, e.g. Names, Numbers, Contact info, Graduation Year, Grades, Measurables, etc. will hurt your player’s chances for being properly evaluated by a College Coach.
** Missing athlete and coach information in your roster will result in not being invited to future FABC Team Showcase events. **
Boys Week 1 Rosters are due in Exposure Events by the evening of Friday, June 14th. Coaching Packets will go to the printer the following morning.
Updating rosters is easy. Doing this on a computer, not a mobile phone, is best.
Please follow these instructions carefully.
(1) The coach who registered for the event should log into their Exposure Events Coach Account here:
(2) You will be on your Upcoming Events Dashboard and see a list of teams and the events they are registered for.
(3) On the right, you’ll find columns for “Roster” and “Coaches”.
(4) If you have a team roster already entered, you’ll find the number of players on the roster as the link to edit the roster, please click it. If you have no players on your roster, you will see a + symbol button, please click it.
(5) If you want to provide your roster for *only 1 event*, you can click the blue "Bulk Edit" button and add players and coaches.
(6) If you want to retain your roster and use it for *multiple events*, you can click the blue “Primary Roster” button and add players.
(7) Important fields to include for players:
- Jersey #
- Name
- Position
- Height
- Weight
- Email
- Phone
- City
- State
- Social Handles
- School
- Grade
- Class (year they graduate, e.g. 2025)
- ACT if taken
- SAT if taken
(8) Important fields for Coaches
- Name
- Email
- Phone
- Address - can use the school address�
Thank you for your prompt attention to this very important administrative duty for your players.
If you have any questions, please email
Good evening! Excited for the start of our Showcase Season. Here’s a critically important part of this year’s FABC Showcase Events: Active Membership.
Please read these instructions carefully and this will take no more than 5 minutes to complete.
Here are some details to be aware of:
* All Coaches who will be sitting on the bench during the FABC Showcase must be ACTIVE FABC Members. NO EXCEPTIONS.
* We have added the ability to pre-purchase memberships for your entire staff.
* Please have their best email address on hand when you start this process.
* Membership costs $25/year and expires on 3/31 each year.
* As a one-time courtesy, any Coach who paid their membership dues after
1/1/2024 is considered active. If you are unsure if you are active, please email your name, school, and date you registered to
* We will be auditing all coaches in Exposure Events and upon check-in at the Event. If you do not have an Active Membership, you will not be able sit on the bench with your team.
Important Note - this is a completely different account from Exposure Events.
Instructions for Member Registration:
(1) Please register today at our new membership website:
(2) Select your Membership level (Annual or Lifetime), complete the registration form, enter your payment info, and click Sign Up.
(3) You’ll receive a confirmation email and be directed to a Thank You screen.
(4) If you are only purchasing a Membership for yourself, you’re done now. Thank you!
(5) If you still need to purchase memberships for the other coaches on your staff, please continue reading.
(6) Click “Back to home” to return to
(7) Click the Join Now button and select Membership level again.
(8) The same registration form will be displayed as step 1, with one small difference. You should see “My Account” and “Log Out” in the top navigation. This means you’re logged in and the registration will only allow you to make a “gift purchase”.
(9) The registration form should still have your information - leave this as is. This is NOT where you put your other coach’s info.
(10) Ensure the “Is this a gift?” checkbox is checked.
(11) Enter payment info again, and click Sign Up.
(12) A new pop-up window will be shown that says “Send Gift Email”. Put your name and the other coach’s Name and Email, along with any message.
(13) Click Send to send the email, and they will get an email with a link to complete their portion of the registration (they might need to check spam). The email is from with the subject “FABC Membership - (Your Name) has pre-paid your Membership Dues”
(14) If you need to purchase additional memberships for your staff, click “Buy Annual Membership” in the left navigation to repeat the process from Step 11.
(15) If you ever need to check the status of any “Gift Membership” that you just purchased for your coaching staff, click on “My Account” from You’ll need to login first. You’ll find all the details on the Gifts tab.
Questions? Please email your name, team, and contact information to
2024 FABC Conrad P. Foss Basketball Live Period Showcase NCAA-Certified June Scholastic Basketball Event
- Tournament
- Invite Only teams
- Boys: 12th-9th
- Adult: Men
- Ability: Competitive
General Information
NCAA Certified
June scholastic events for high schools include recruits invited by event organizers and currently enrolled in high schools who meet the requirements set by either the NFHS or the NCAA.
- Approved by the National Federation of State High School Associations or the NCAA.
- Certified by the NFHS for all NFHS member state high school athletics associations; or Certified by the NCAA for all non-NFHS member high school athletics associations.
- Organized and conducted exclusively by the applicable high school athletics association and/or applicable stateNational High School Basketball Coaches Association, or if there is not a state NHSBCA, the state high school coaches association.
NCAA legislation permits the following to attend the events:
- Divisions I, II and III men’s basketball coaches; and.
- Host organization determines approved admission requirements.
All event related questions should be directed to Bob Horodyski at