Northeast Cobb Basketball Winter League
Please be advised, in regards to the playoffs and Championship.
Please let me know if you decide to opt out of the tournamen BEFORE the brackets comes out.
Please let me know if you hsve any questions
Philliip Haynes
Please check your schedule and let me know of any conflicts. We have 3 weeks to go before season ends.
WE play on Saturday and Sunday for the next 3 weekend.
Please email me at
Phillip Haynes
Please check your schedule for 1/25. The end of the season is drawing near therefore not much room at all for rescheduling.
Phillip Haynes
Please be advised ALL games on this Saturday are now canceled. We will reschedule all games.
phillip Haynes
Due to the potemtial of weather the school have informed me we cannot have games there.
1) All games that was schedule at Dean Rusk Middle School will now be played at Hugh Grogan(See app for address)
2) All games that was schedule for Marietta Salvation and Girls Inc will remain the same as scheduled.
3) All games that was schedule for Sequoyah High School are now canceled and will be reschedule to January 18th unless you are playing in the MLK tournament.
We are still montioring the weather however it appears Saturday is dorable to play games at the moment. If something changes I will let you know as soon as I possibly can.
The app has been updated with the changes.
Phillip Haynes
Please be advised, we have a strong chance of inclement weather coming through this coming weekend.
We will play it completely safe and I will advise of any cancellations as soon as I can.
If we cancel I will move games to a differnt date prior to the playoffs.
Phillip Haynes
Please review your schedule for January 4th and 11th.
Phillip Haynes
Directors and Coaches,
I understand most of your parents may think the ZERO TOLERANCE is a term we just throw out there for NO REASON. I understand you may think some can do what you want/when you want with no repercussion whatsoever. I encourage you to talk with your players and parents because all this inappropriate behavior with be dealt with accordingly.
Here is the post again:
Northeast Cobb basketball prides itself on providing a safe and fun place for youth and families. We have a zero tolerance policy and will not accept any negative behavior toward players, officials or staff. Remember we are role models for these young men and women. Please see the list of Rules that are not negotiable. Please relay to your assistant coaches fans and families
. 1. Any Coach or player that is ejected from a game will be suspended 1 game. If another ejection occurs they will be suspended from league play.
2. Parents or fans are NOT ALLOWED in the bench area. Please make sure players have all they need before start of the game.
3. Parents or fans who are removed from the building , depending on infraction, may be asked not to return.
4. We have our own scorekeepers and clock workers. No one is allowed to sit at the scorers table. Only coaches are allowed to approach the scorers table during the game. They will not listen to spectators.
5. Profanity or any physical actions towards staff, players, league workers or referees will not be allowed or accepted. If you have any questions please feel free to call me
Phillip Haynes
On behalf of Northeast Cobb Basketball we would like to wish each of you a Happy Holiday! We pray your day will be full of happiness and joy.
Phillip Haynes and Rachel Louie
Please check your schedule for 12/14. I CANNOT make any additional changes for this coming weekend. If you cannot make it then your game will have to be a forfeit.
I have also removed two teams from the league who decided not to show up nor notify anyone. I will continue to do that if you don't have respect for other people time.
Thanks and have a great day!
Phillip Haynes
Please be advised, there are a LOT of restrictions in this winter league. To be honest some of them are not realistic. There should be more consideration in what is given. Some of you feel as though you are in the league all by yourself.
We have teams coming from 1 1/2 - 3 hours away and teams that live literally around the corner requesting ichanges. These teams traveling to play on this side of town never complain about times of play.
Please revisit your commitment to THIS league There are 105 teams and your schedule will NEVER be perfect Let's be better PLEASE!
You are welcome to voice your concerns to me at 770-365-4477.
Phillip Haynes
NEC Basketball
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble Thanksgiving Tournament
3 game guarantee
1st and 2nd Place Team and Inividual Awards
MVP Award in Championship Game
November 15th - 17th, 2024
Good Morning,
Welcome to the Northeast Cobb Basketball Winter League. Please read this entire message so you will be well informed about the details of the league.
Schedule: Please check on the link below to see your entire schedule for this league. There were a LOT of restrictions and we have done our best to honor your request. If there is something we missed please communicate this via email and not TEXT messages please.
We will continue to make adjustement so please make sure you on monitor your schedule. Teams are still being added.
Location: Games will be played mostly at Next Play, 3910 Canton Road, Marietta, Georgia 30066.
Rules: All teams will play (2)14 minute halves, STOP CLOCK. 4 time outs per game. Team Fouls are 7 for 1 and 1 and 10 fouls fouls for double bonus.
Overtime will be 2 mintues which each team will receive 1 time out per overtime
Roster: EachTeam MUST submit a roster sheet NO EXCEPTIONS which need to include numbers and FULL player names.
A players CANNOT play on TWO teams within the SAME division however a player can play in a division UP but never a division down. Any viloations teams will be disqualified from the league.
Gates Fee are $12.00 for Adults, $6.00 for Students and Senior Citizens are $10.00. We DO NOT honor GHSA or school personnel passes. If your Varsity Coach plans to attend game please let us know.
Zero Tolernace: Northeast Cobb Basketball has a zero tolerance policy towards, staff, players coaches, officials and other fan. Please conduct yourselves in a proper manner so we all can have an enjoyable experience.
Thanks your for your time and please send any question you may have to
Thank you,
Phillip Haynes and Rachel Louie
Here are the date will play games in this league
Nov 9th & 16th
Dec. 7th, 14th & 21st
Jan 4th, 11th & 25th
Feb. 1st 8th, 15th
Feb - 16th (Sunday) will be semi finals and Championships
Phillip Haynes
Directors & Coaches,
We are excited to host you for our 2024-2025 Northeast Cobb Basketball Winter League.
The league will consist of 85+ teams which will compete in the 6th - 8th Grade girls division and 3rd - 8th Grade boys division.
We hope each of you will have an enjoyable experience. Here are a few nuggets for you prior to us getting started.
1) You must upload a roster for your team - NO EXCEPTIONS
2) Please add your assistant coach on your roster sheets
3) Season starts November 9th - Schedule will be released on November 2nd
4) Games are played at NEXT Play 360, Canton Road, Marietta, 30066
5) Please email me any restrictions you may have to to avoid schedule changes.
6) Rules, Admission Prices will be sent to you in the welcome letter along with schedule
Schedule App:
Phillip Haynes
Round Round with Single Elimination playoffs 11- 14 games
- League (Ladder)
- All teams
- Boys & Girls
- Ability: Competitive
- $750.00 entry fee
- 11 game guarantee
To register for this event visit the official website.
Registration is currently open for the following divisions:
To make a payment please visit the payments section of the event.
All event related questions should be directed to Phillip Haynes at or call 770-365-4477.