RISE UP HOOPS presents


September 14-15, 2024
vancouver, Washington


Hello Hoopers,

Unfortunately we had 2 teams need to drop!

Please check your schedule. FIND YOUR TEAM HERE!

9/13/2024 5:23 PM

Hello Hoopers,

Please keep a close eye on the schedule as their were a ton of time requests but as of now we are set!

Let's have a great weekend of hoops!

1) Find your team (s) here: FIND YOUR TEAM HERE!

2) Find your venue here: FIND YOUR VENUE HERE!

3) Find general info here: FIND GENERAL INFO HERE!

4) Find entry here: ENTRY INFO

5) Find Rules here: FIND RULES HERE

9/11/2024 8:30 PM

The following teams are officially participating in the BACK 2 SCHOOL BATTLE.
Please note some teams may not be present yet. Click on the team to view more details.

Varsity Boys HS

All event related questions should be directed to Daniel Singh at pnwtournamentofchampions.@gmail.com.