Yakima Valley Sports Authority presents

33rd Annual Boys Sunnyside Sunshine Classic

March 21-23, 2025
Sunnyside, Washington
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


Dates: March 21-23, 2025 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) / All teams are guaranteed 4 games. Location: Sunnyside, WA Deadlines & Fees: REGISTER & PAY ONLINE BEFORE: Wednesday March 12, 2025 for the early fee of - $250 NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER MARCH 12, NO EXCEPTIONS, SIGN UP EARLY AAU membership is not included in the price of the entry fee. Payments can be made online with VISA, Discover Card, MasterCard or American Express Game Times: Friday: 5:30pm, 6:45pm, 8:00pm, 9:15pm (possibly 6:00, 7:15, 8:30pm) Saturday & Sunday: 9:00, 10:15, 11:30, 12:45, 2:00, 3:15, 4:30, 5:45, 7:00 Divisions: Boys: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Grade AAU Membership: This event is sanctioned by the Amateur Athletic Union of the U.S., Inc. All participants must have a current AAU membership before the event begins. Participants must visit the AAU website (www.aausports.org) to obtain their membership. BE PREPARED! Adult and Non Athlete memberships are no longer instant. Please allow 10 days for adult memberships to be processed. 2025 AAU Membership Fees: Player $20/ Coach $55 All players and coaches must have an AAU Card. If it is found that a player is participating without a current AAU card, your team will be subject to forfeits of games with no refund of tournament fees paid. REMEMBER: Membership cards don’t get you into the game for free. Only players that are playing are allowed into the game free. The Lystedt Law Washington State has passed a law requiring youth coaches, athletes and parents/guardians complete certain criteria regarding the recognition and treatment of head injuries during sporting events. ALL PARTICIPATING TEAMS must complete the attached form and return it to the Inland Empire AAU office with the tournament entry form. We only need 1 form per team per year! Tournament Rules: 1. A player may play for only ONE team during tournament play. 2. Girls cannot play on boys teams and boys cannot play on girls teams. 3. Players cannot wear jewelry of any kind during games, even if it is taped and/or covered up. 4. Players must be enrolled in Kindergarten or older. NO PRE SCHOOLERS. 5. Players cannot switch teams once games have started. 6. We reserve the right to refuse a team’s entry into our events. 7. Entry fees will not be refunded after the deadline if you drop from the tournament. 8. Scorekeepers – each team is to have ONE person to keep the individual score sheet that is provided in your coaches’ packet. One scorekeeper per team will be allowed into the game free of charge. Please leave scoresheets with the gym supervisor after your game. 9. Coaches – Only ONE coach per team is allowed into the game free, but more than one may coach & must have a current AAU card. 10. Admission – The gyms are run by clubs and the proceeds from admissions goes back to their clubs for youth activities. Friday Adults $6 Students $4 Saturday and Sunday Adults $7, Students $5 PLEASE INFORM YOUR PARENTS!

  • League
  • All teams
  • Boys: 8th-1st
  • entry fee
  • Exposure Certified


Sunnyside Schools Map
Sunnyside Schools
Sunnyside, WA, 98944


Carrie OHara


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General Information

Rules of Play

2024-2025 High School Federation Rules will be used with the following exceptions:

1.     Warm Ups:  10 minutes or until the next game time, whichever is longer.  Gym will be open 30 minutes before the start of the first game.  Officials cannot start games early!  Fans who arrive on time would like to see the start of the first quarter, not the start of the second quarter!

2.     Forfeits:  Forfeit time is game time.  No exceptions.  If a team shows up late, the officials will work a short game with running clock in order to be ready for the next scheduled game.

3.     Basketballs:  1st – 3rd Grade teams will use the 27.5” ball (junior size).  4th – 6th grade boys and 4th grade girls teams and up will use the 28.5” ball (women’s size).  Boys 7th grade and up will use the 30” (men’s size) ball.

4.     Quarters:  1st – 4th Grade:  6 min / 5th – 8th Grade:  7 min / all other divisions:  8 min

5.     No 30 second shot clock.  Over and back line in use with a 10 second backcourt count.

6.     Press Rule: NEW 1st and 3rd Grade, 8 points

4th – 8th Grade:  15 points / all other divisions:  20 points.  No full court press once your team is up by more than 8/15/20 points.  Your team must retreat back inside the 3 point arc until opponent crosses the center line with the ball, then you are allowed to play defense.  The offense has the option to cross the center line at any time, however the 10 second backcourt count only starts when the defensive team is behind the 3 point arc.

7.     Free Throw Violations:  5th Grade Girls and below and 4th Grade Boys and below:

a.     When shooting a free throw, the shooter must start from behind the free throw line.  If the shooter steps on or over the line before the ball touches the rim, it is NOT a violation.

b.     The shooter cannot rebound the ball at any time during a free throw.

c.     A player other than the shooter must have control of the ball before the shooter can handle the ball.  If the ball is in control of the shooter after the free throw, this is a violation and the opponents will receive the ball out of bounds.

8.    Technical Fouls:

a.     Each counts as 1 of 5 personal fouls on a player and 1 team foul.

b.     Automatic 2 points and the ball awarded out of bounds.  No free throws.

c.     One sportsmanship technical on a coach or fan and they are ejected from the gym. One sportsmanship technical on a player and they are required to sit on the bench for the remainder of the game.

d.     If a coach or fan that has been ejected from the game does not leave the gym (including standing in the doorway and watching the game) or continues to question the official after the foul has been called, he/she will receive a second technical foul and will not be allowed to coach or watch the next league game.  The team will be subject to disqualification from the league with no refund of fees paid if the coach or fan returns.

9.     NEW 2023 foul shot rule: On the fifth foul and any other foul in the quarter, for either team in any quarter, two foul shots will be shot. The fouls in the fourth quarter will be carried over into overtime if there is overtime.

10.   Intentional Fouls:  Two points and the ball awarded out of bounds.

11.   Half Time:  5 minutes

12.   Overtime:  NEW 2023 One - 2 minutes overtime.  If no team wins during overtime, teams go into sudden death, first point scored is the winner.

13.   No running clock when a team is up by 40 or more points.



1.     No jewelry or hair clips are allowed during games, No Exceptions.  Taping earrings or hair clips is NOT OK. Be sure to take out all earrings and hair clips and take off necklaces and bracelets.

2.     We reserve the right to refuse any team’s entry into our events.



Registration is currently open for the following divisions:

To make a payment please visit the payments section of the event.

AAU Licensed

  • AAU Licensed #: 5KIEBA5240
  • This event is licensed by the Amateur Athletic Union of the U. S., Inc.
  • All participants must have a current AAU membership.
  • AAU membership may not be included as part of the entry fee to the event.
  • AAU membership must be obtained before the competition begins except where the event operator has a laptop available with an internet connect. Participants are encouraged to visit the AAU web site to obtain their membership.
  • Boys: AAU Boys Basketball Handbook
  • Girls: AAU Girls Basketball Handbook

All event related questions should be directed to Carrie OHara at carrie@ieaau.org or call 509-453-2696.