MidAmerica Sports Center
Elementary, Middle School & K-2 League
December 8 - February 16, 2025
Louisville, Kentucky
- League
- School teams
- Boys & Girls: 6th-3rd
- $350.00 entry fee
- 7 game guarantee
- Exposure Certified
General Information
School and School "Feeder Teams". Teams with Players all from the same school or teams with Players that all feed to the same High School - "Feeder Team".
See Documents for Game Rules Summary. Divisions: 3rd/4th Girls Combined, 5th/6th Girls Combined, 3rd Boys, 4th Boys, 5th Boys, 6th Boys.
To register for this event visit the official website.
Registration is currently open for the following divisions:
All event related questions should be directed to Fred Hale at fhale@midamericasportscenter.com or call 502-727-7404.