Empowering the next generation of leaders, through basketball. BOND Events is a sports event hosting company designed to create a remarkable experience for all participants and spectators. It is our mission to provide the best programs, staff, and facilities to meet the needs of our participants. Not only will we focus on competition, but we will enhance the positive ideals of being a student-athlete.
- Tournament (1-Day Play™)
- All teams
- Boys & Girls: 12th-2nd
- 3 game guarantee
- Exposure Certified
General Information
Grade-based divisions shall be used in boys/girls basketball teams.
Tournament Rule & Regulations: PLEASE TRAVEL WITH REPORT CARDS!!!! Grade based on current school year as of Sept. 1st and cannot turn age greater prior to Sept. 1st of the next year.
1. The first team listed is the home team, and the away team is listed last. The home team will wear white (or lighter color jersey), and the away team will wear dark colors. HOME (BOOKS) AWAY (CLOCK, if one is not provided). Home team will be listed on the top and to the left for all brackets and games.
2. Warm-up and Halftime: 3 minutes (any changes may be done at the discretion of the Site Director); Clock starts immediately.
3. Games will be played as scheduled. FORFEIT WILL BE BASED ON SITE DIRECTOR APPROVAL. Teams should arrive at least 30 minutes before game time, but no game will start without the approval of BOTH teams.
4. A 28.5) size basketball will be used for all girls’ games and 2nd thru 6th-grade boy’s divisions. Boys 7th Grade and older will use a 29.5 size basketball.
6. Players must compete in their own grade classification, with the exception that players in a lower grade may participate in an older division (in the same organization).
7. A player may only play on a team when they are placed on the roster. At the discretion of the tournament director, some age brackets may be combined based on team registrations or level of play.
8. Coaches must check in at the registration table. A maximum of 2 coaches will be allowed free admission. PLEASE HAVE ROSTERS.
9. BOND EVENTS is not financially responsible for forfeits, lost or stolen items.
10. Running Clock: Clock will run with 20 point lead in the 2nd half (including FT); score must be below 10 pts for stoppage. No pressing with running clock.
11. Spectator fee is $20. Only cash is accepted.
12. Please be sure to travel with first aid kits in case of any emergencies.
Tournament Rules – NCHSAA rules used with the following exceptions:
1. Games can start with 4 players if both teams (coaches) agree.
2. Each player with foul out after (5) five fouls
3. Length of Game: Two 12 minute halves (all grades and ages)
4. Timeouts: 2 FULL/2 30 Second per game, to be used in either half of the game. One additional timeout for overtime period.
5. Overtime is sudden death (first point wins including free throws)
Pool Play ties will be determined by the following:
1. Head to head competition
2. 20 point max point system (Point Differential through Teams in Tie then All Teams )
3. Allowed (Least points given up)
4. Coin toss
Tie-Breaker Scenarios
The exposure system is set up with these rules to determine
1. If 2 teams have a tied record after Pool Play, the winner of the head-to-head matchup is awarded the higher seed.
2. If 2 teams did not play head-to-head, Point Differential (see above) is applied to determine seeding.
3. If 2 teams also have the same Point Differential, the team who allowed the least amount of points in Pool Play would be awarded the higher seed.
A. Using this formula, there is no benefit to running up the score, rather the benefit is in stopping the opposing team from scoring.
4. If 3 teams are tied, head-to-head matchups are irrelevent in determining seed for Bracket Play.
5. If 3 teams are tied, Point Differential is applied
1st. Team in Tie: Only the games where the 3 teams played each other will count for in this differential. Meaning that if a game was played between one of the teams in the tie and one that isn't in the tie, that game is not used in differential.
2nd. All Teams: The team with the highest Point Differential is awarded the high seed.
3rd. Allowed: If a tie in Point Differential exists, Points Allowed (see above) will determine seed for Bracket Play.
Technical Fouls
Each coach or player will be allowed two technical fouls per game. After a second technical foul, players /coach will be ejected from game. After first technical foul, the coach must remain seated for the duration of the game.
Any player or coach receiving an ejection during our tournament is subject to dismissal from tournament without refund. A player will no longer be able to play or sit on bench with team. Coaching from the stands will not-be allowed. All above subject to the discretion of Site Director.
All protest of opposing team must be done prior to the start of the schedule game, the tournament will charge a protest fee of $120 to acquire all documents. No protest of a team will be allowed after a game has been played.
REFUND POLICY: After Tournament Schedules are in place, no refunds are issued.

Registration is currently open for the following divisions:
- 2nd Grade Boys - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 3rd Grade Boys - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 4th Grade Boys - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 5th Grade Boys - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 6th Grade Boys - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 7th Grade Boys - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 8th Grade Boys - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- JV Boys - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- Varsity Boys - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 2nd Grade Girls - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 3rd Grade Girls - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 4th Grade Girls - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 5th Grade Girls - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 6th Grade Girls - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 7th Grade Girls - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- 8th Grade Girls - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- JV Girls - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
- Varsity Girls - One Team ($165.00), Two Teams ($315.00), Three Teams ($460.00), Four Teams ($595.00), Five Teams ($745.00), Six Teams ($875.00)
To make a payment please visit the payments section of the event.
All event related questions should be directed to Porsche Jones at or call 3365758144.