Panhandle Basketball presents

10th Annual Gulf Coast Primetime Nationals @ Mobile Convention Center

July 7-9, 2023
Mobile, Alabama
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


We had some changes in this bracket, play look it over. There are two different brackets. A 3rd grade championship and a 4th grade bracket

7/8/2023 10:57 PM

Please look over the bracket and make sure you have the correct times and location. Exposure had an error in finalizing a couple score . The error has been corrected and all times are correct.

Thank you
Panhandle Basketball

7/8/2023 10:42 PM

Good Morning

Cash is accepted and perfered, also is $2 chepper per ticket than Ticket Leap.

Ticket Leap is what we use outside of cash.

Gate Fees

$45 Weekend
$30 Day
11 and under are free

Thank you
Panhandle Basketball

7/8/2023 7:46 AM

Good Afternoon

The schedule has been released. Please know that it may change and you will be responsible to have the most up to date times.

If we make a change, we will send out a "Schedule change alert" message, letting you know.

Also, please go back and read the previous messages that we have sent out so you can have all the information incase you missed it.
Those messages are located just above where you look at the schedule.

Bracket will be posted tonight.

Thank you
Panhandle Basketball

7/6/2023 12:30 PM

Good Morning

The Schedule will be posted around 12pm today

Thank you
Panhandle Basketball

7/6/2023 9:13 AM

.Good Morning

10th Annual Primetime Gulf Coast Nationals will be a sell out by the end of the day, if not sooner. We currently have 151 teams registered and only have 9 spots availble.

If you have not made payment yet,
Payment is due today. You must pay the tournament fee in full or a non refundable deposite of half of your team fees. If you pay half, the balance is due on Tuesday.

Cash App - $attack12
Venmo - @Panhandlebasketball
PayPal - @Panhandlebasketball

If you have already paid, this does not apply to you.

Schedule Request can only be made Wednesday Morning between 8am-12pm, via text or email.

Schedule will be released late Wednesday or Early Thursday

All Teams Must have National Sports ID or birth certificates and report cards.

Thank you, more info to come

Panhandle Basketball

7/1/2023 8:46 AM


Age Divisions: 2nd - 12th Grade Team Entry Fee: $295 (Early Registration) $375 (Late Registration) 3 Games GUARANTEED! 1st & 2nd Place Awards!

  • Tournament
  • All teams
  • Boys & Girls: 12th-2nd
  • $295.00 entry fee
  • 3 game guarantee
  • Exposure Certified


Mobile Convention Center Map
Mobile Convention Center
1 S Water Street
Mobile, AL, 36602


John McDonald
(850) 380-0818


Download the Exposure Events App

Exposure Events Apple App Exposure Events Android App

General Information

10 Courts Under 1 Roof!
Sells Out Every Year

All event related questions should be directed to John McDonald at or call (850) 380-0818.