Panhandle Basketball presents

7th Annual Big South Showcase @ Hoover Met Finley Center Documents

June 22-23, 2024
Hoover, Alabama
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


Good Morning

The gate fees are as follows:

$45 For the weekend Pass + Facility Fees, taxes= $52.83
$30 Daily + Facility Fees, taxes= $35.90

Than you
Panhandle Basketball

6/22/2024 9:43 AM

Good Morning

We had a couple courts(Only 4) that we swapped. The times DID NOT change , just a couple courts. Please look over the schedule.

Thank you
Panhandle Basketball

6/22/2024 8:14 AM

Good evening

Doors open at 830AM

Team Check In Process

Teams and coaches will need to use the side entrance to the gym.
Players must be wearing their team uniform, If they are not, they will be turned away! We do not want to look through bags for uniforms. Players must be WEARING them!

If your team has NSID, head coach and assistant coach only need to check in,

If your team does not have NSID, ALL players must be present, 1 hr prior to their 1st game and ALL players must have a birth certificate and report card to check in with their head coach.

Each Team only gets 2 coaches bands.

Thank you
Panhandle Basketball

6/21/2024 9:48 PM

Good evening

Sorry about the late message, but we had some issues with a few teams and had to make adjusments to the schedule. Please look it over and make sure you have the correct times.

Thank you
Panhandle Basketball

6/21/2024 9:41 PM

Good Evening

Here is the info on the gate and gate fees.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Finley Center, they run the gate.
They are completely in charge of the gate.
They do accept cards.

The gate prices are....
$45 Weekend
$30 Daily
11 and under are free

Any fees outside of these prices are directly from the facility, not Panhandle Basketball.

There may be a Parking fee, again that comes directly from the facility, not Panhandle Basketball. One year they had it and one year they didn't.

More info to come.

Thank you
Panhandle Basketball

6/20/2024 8:10 PM

Good Morning

The Schedule will be released between 11AM-12PM this morning.
Going through Schedule request at the moment.

6/20/2024 9:12 AM

Good Afternoon

Just a reminder, the schedule will be released later tonight or early Thursday.

Teams will need to have National Sports ID or Birth Certificates AND report cards.

If your team has National Sports ID, Just the head coach and assistant coach will need to check in.

If you team does not have National Sports ID, Head coach and ALL players will need to check in together, with birth certificates and report cards.

Thank you
Panhandle Basketball

6/19/2024 5:35 PM

Good Evening

A couple things for the upcoming event at Hoover, in the Finley center.

1. A few of you have yet to make payment. If that is you, please do so now.
(This of course does not apply to those of you that have made payment already)

2. If you have a Schedule Request, it must be sent to this email address only.

3. Schedule will be released late Wednesday or early Thursday.

4. Reminder, all teams must have NSID(National Sports ID) or Birth Certificates AND Report Cards for All Players.

Thank you
Panhandle Basketball

6/17/2024 8:36 PM

Good Afternoon

We are aproaching the 7th Annual Big South Showcase at the Finely Center, Hoover Alabama. Here is some tournament info you will need for the event.

1. If you have not made payment, it is due. Please make sure you put your team name and tournament name in the memo section.
A. $Attack12 - Cash App
B. $Panhandlebasketball - Cash App
C. @Panhandlebasketball - Venmo

2. We use National Sports ID as our way of verifiering teams. If you do not have National Sports ID. You will need birth certificates AND report cards for ALL players.

3. More info to come

Thank you
Panhandle Basketball

6/11/2024 2:52 PM

The following reports can be viewed, printed or downloaded.
More detailed reports can be found on the divisions page.



6/20/2024 9:22 AM


6/21/2024 9:54 PM

Overall Standings

9/23/2023 3:31 AM

All event related questions should be directed to John McDonald at or call (850) 380-0818.