Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.
The following venues are being used for this event.
Barberton H.S.
Barberton H.S. (BHS)
555 Barber Rd.
Barberton, OH, 44203
1 (BHS1),
2 (BHS2),
3 (BHS3),
4 (BHS4)
Barberton M.S.
Wadsworth H.S.
Wadsworth H.S. (WHS)
625 Broad St.
Wadsworth, OH, 44281
7 (WHS7),
8 (WHS8),
9 (WHS9),
10 (WHS10),
11 (WHS11),
12 (WHS12)
All event related questions should be directed to Brian Krzynowek at Varsityac@sssnet.com or call 330-854-4170.