Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.
The following venues are being used for this event.
Granville Christian Academy
Granville High School
Granville High School (GHS)
248 New Burg Street
Granville, OH, 43023
Court 1 (Ct1),
Court 2 (CT2)
Granville Middle School
Newark Heritage Middle School
Newark High School
Newark High School (NHS)
314 Granville St,
Newark, OH, 43055
MAIN 1 (M1),
MAIN 2 (M2),
AUX 1 (A1),
AUX 2 (A2)
Newark Liberty Middle School
Wilson Middle School
All event related questions should be directed to Anthony McNeal at anthony@ohioyouthbasketball.com or call 740-243-5042.