Buckeye Prep Report 2023-24 presents

Buckeye Prep Pre-Season Shootout Divisions

December 1-3, 2023
Columbus, Ohio

Buckeye Prep Pre-Season Shootout offers the following divisions. Any documents can be viewed, printed or downloaded.

Boys 4th Grade


11/14/2023 9:26 AM

Overall Standings

10/30/2023 1:33 PM


12/3/2023 4:54 PM

Championship Bracket

12/3/2023 4:55 PM

Boys 5th Grade


11/14/2023 9:26 AM

Overall Standings

10/30/2023 1:33 PM


12/3/2023 5:15 PM

Gold Championship Bracket

12/3/2023 5:15 PM

Silver Championship Bracket

12/3/2023 3:52 PM

All event related questions should be directed to Rob Taylor at Buckeyepreprpt@yahoo.com.