March - May KBA Practices Teams
Plase double check your schedules asap for the league and practice time this week. There have been some minor updates to both schedules. Thank you. Clink below to view both sets of practice and league schedules:
All practices have been adjusted starting next week. Please look over the changes that are now live and let your parents know. Thank you
Coaches, please double check for any last minute changes to the tournament schedule. Make sure you let your parents know that there are two 3 locations for the tournament this weekend.
Coaches, the entire league schedule and practice schedule is now live. Please click link below to view your schedule for the tournament this weekend, the league schedule that starts monday and the practices that start next week as well.
The following teams are officially participating in the March - May KBA Practices.
Please note some teams may not be present yet. Click on the team to view more details.
KBA Team Practices
All event related questions should be directed to Michael Roe at or call 937-746-3370.