SWOB - Winter League Oak Hills Youth Athletics
Hi coaches. As school ball has been coming to a close, we wanted to remind the teams that any player that has played on an OHSAA team during the 2023-24 season will not be allowed to participate in the post-season. We want to ensure that all teams are playing with players they had during the Winter Season. To view a copy of the rule, please Click Here
2/23/2024 10:14 PMHi coaches, if you are playing in the post-season tournament and have not yet confirmed you have received your schedule, please do so as soon as possible by emailing jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com with your team name and division. So far we have had about half of the teams participating confrim their schedule
2/22/2024 3:15 PMHi coaches. If your team is participating in the post-season tournament, please confirm you have received your schedule by emailing jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com with your team name and division
2/21/2024 10:59 PM
Hi coaches and parents, the updated post-season brackets have been posted, please use the following link to view all game times and locations as they may have changed during the update:
We look forward to seeing everyone this weekend!
Hi coaches and parents. The brackets for the post-season tournament has been posted. To view the brackets please follow the link below:
If there are any issues with your schedule, please let us know by emailing tom_sunderman@yahoo.com and jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com by sunday night at midnight and we will work to try and adjust. Final Post-Season brackets will be posted by Tuesday afternoon
Hi coaches and parents. The post-season brackets will be posted by tomorrow at noon. If there are any scheduling issues, or any issues with your bracket, please let us know by midnight Sunday evening. We will be working on any issues and post the final brackets by Tuesday afternoon. Game times that may have already appeared your schedule are not final as we are still working on the brackets.
2/15/2024 7:24 PMHi coaches. This past weekend we had over 15 games reach out to us to either forfeit or try and move their games, as well as 8 no-shows without notification. We have been very strict on our reschedule policy as moving/flipping games with another team involves at least 4 teams and 40+ families trying to coordinate the flip. We wanted to send out a final reminder about our league reschedule policy, which you can view Here. With our winter shootout taking place and most gyms in the city not holding evening games this Sunday, we do not have any space to try and move games around and are booked up for the rest of the season. If you cannot make a game and need contact info for your division to see if an invidiual team can fill in or swap with your team, please email jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com and we will get that sent over to you.
2/5/2024 4:25 PMHi coaches and parents. We are only a week away from beginning the schedule for our Post-season tournament. This is a reminder for any teams that have not had all of their score put in to email them to jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com so that we can get them entered for the standings. The Post-season tournament will run from February 23rd-March 7th. If your team does not plan on playing, or has specific schedule request, please let us know by Feburary 12th. All league teams are automatically entered into the post-season, unless we are notified otherwise
2/5/2024 3:54 PM
Hi coaches, we are looking for some teams to fill in for some available games this weekend. The times and locations are all listed below:
Saturday- 5th Grade Girls @ 2:00 PM @ Courts 4 Sports
Saturday- HS Boys @ 2:30 PM @ Friars
Saturday- 7th/8th Grade Boys @ 4:00 PM @ Landmark
Sunday- 6th Grade Boys @ 11:00 AM @ Next Level
Sunday- 2nd/3rd Grade Boys @ 12:00 PM @ Sports of All Sorts
Sunday- 5th Grade Boys @ 2:00 PM @ Hughes High School
Sunday- 2nd/3rd Grade Boys @ 5:30 @ Friars
If your team would like to fill in for one, or more of these games, please email jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com as soon as possible
Hi coaches. We have recieved 15+ reschedule conflicts for this weekend alone. We wanted to remind everyone of our Conflict/Reschedule policy. Due to the excess amount of cancellations in the past few years, we are being very strict with the conflict policy this year. To view a copy of the conflict policy, please Click Here. If you need contact info to find a team to fill in for your game, please email jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com and he will send over a list of contact info for your divison to reach out to. We cannot try and reschedule games all week as we are working on setting up our post-season tournament, as well as our winter shootout taking place right now. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tom at Tom_Sunderman@yahoo.com and James at jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com
1/31/2024 6:05 PMHi coaches. As the season is coming to an end, we are looking to make sure we have all scores entered thoughout the season to update the standings as best as possible. If you have a score that has not yet been put in, please email it to jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com. We will begin our post-season tournament on February 23rd and it will run through March 6th. If your team is playing and has any conflicts for these dates, please have them submitted by Monday, February 12th. The tournament seeding will be somewhat based on league standings, but will not be exact as some teams may be moved up or down a level based on how they fared throughout the season
1/29/2024 3:45 PMHi coaches and parents, as we have begun back from the Christmas break, we have had many teams reach out looking to cancel/move games (at least 10 games this weekend alone). We wanted to remind everyone of our Conflict/Reschedule policy. Due to the excess amount of cancellations in the past few years, we are being very strict with the conflict policy this year. To view a copy of the conflict policy, please Click Here. We want to ensure that all teams receive the 10 games that they are scheduled and canceling puts the teams you are scheduled against at risk of not receiving them all (even if your team is fine with only 9 games). If you have any questions, please reach out to Tom at Tom_Sunderman@yahoo.com and James at jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com
12/10/2023 12:46 PMHi coaches and parents, the conflict/reschedule policy has been posted on www.swohiosport.com on the home and league pages. To view a copy of the conflict policy, please Click Here. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tom at Tom_Sunderman@yahoo.com and James at jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com
12/7/2023 6:24 PM
We posted the final updated version of the schedules on Monday December 4th. You need to confirm receipt of the most updated schedule to James if you haven't already to jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com.
During your registration process you have 3-4 weeks to turn in schedule restrictions. Then after the schedule was posted we took schedule conflicts for 4 days, not guatanteeing we could adjust them, but took them into consideration. James and myself spent over 300 man hours on these schedules and worked with everyone to put out a good schedule for all.
In the past we have been more than accomodating on working with teams to help make their games. Over the last 3 years teams have started taking advantage of this - canceling games because the coach is missing, a few select players were missing, birthday parties, etc. This year we will not be doing this. If you cannot make your game you MUST follow the reschedule policy or your team will be fined $50 (James will send this out tonight). You will take a forfeit for that game and will be considered for removal of the league. This is not fair to the teams who do follow the schedule and show up each game, to the site directors who have to pay rentals up to $75 per hour, the officials who have time invested and to the league who has spent countless hours on the schedules. We have other things to do to operate the league besides rescheduling games and also have families.
When you ask to reschedule a game it doesn't involve just you and the other team, it affects two other teams we have to get to move, their 15 - 20 families and several others. It is also a very tidious and time consuming job. I will be very strict with this this winter. I apologize if this upsets you but we cannot operate a league this was any longer. If it is a league mistake or something we fell is justifiable we will consider it but there isn't much that follows under this. If you have any questions feel free to email me at tom_sunderman@yahoo.com.
Tom Sunderman
Hi coaches. We have only had about 90 teams confirm their updated schedule that was finalized on Monday, December 4th. If you have not yet done so, please confirm you have recieved your final updated schedule, as well any game(s) this weekend by emailing jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com. There have been many changes since the tentative schedule confirmations last week and we want to ensure all teams have received any changes to prevent any no-shows going forward
12/6/2023 12:49 PM
Hi coaches and parents, the Final Schedule has been posted. Please use the following link to view all updated game times and locations as there have been many changes:
Coaches, please confirm your game(s) this weekend by emailing jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com with your team names, game times and locations. Please confirm you have received your complete schedule at that time as well. There are still a few teams that are not scheduled all 10 games. We will be reaching out to these teams individually to see when these can be played. Tomorrow, we will send out any important information, including our weather/conflict policy. The schedule is now final and we will be handling any conflicts that arise with those individual teams, more info on this will be included in our conflict policy. To report scores, please visit: https://www.swohiosports.com/leagues and scroll to the bottom of the page to report your score, please do so the day of your game. Only the winning team will need to report the score and all reported scores will be posted throughout the following week. Please Click Here to view a set of our league rules.
Hi coaches. So far, we have only had about half of the teams confirm their schedules. If you have not yet confirmed, please do so as soon as possible by emailing jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com with your team name and division. We want to ensure every team has recieved their full schedule to ensure we don't have any no-shows to begin the season
11/29/2023 3:53 PM
Tentative schedules will be posted by 11am today. We have put over 150 hours of man hours working on these and reviewing them. We tried to honor all schedule requests but there were some rare occasions we couldn't honor them. This usually occurred when the team you are playing had opposite requst. We also was trying to avoid any team having more than one bye weekend unless you requested off certain weekends.
If you have any iissues with your schedule please email jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com and tom_sunderman@yahoo.com. We will review them and see what we can do. We cannot guarantee anything at this time, but like we have the last 28 years we will do the best we can. This year we will be strictly enforcing the penalties for teams who fail to show up for their game or cancel their game without proper notification. We will send out our reschedule policy later tonight along with a copy of the league rules.
At this time we need all contact info for each team if you have not sublitted it. Also all rosters are due this week. You can make adjustments to your schedule until December 31st, but any additions to your roster must be submitted befgore that player plays in a game. A player may play on more than one team as long as they are in a separate division. You can go on Exposure to submit your roster or you can email it to tom_sunderman@yahoo.com but it must be done this week if you haven't already.
Look for more info to come out later tonight. Thanks
Tom Sunderman 235-9007
James Deaton 289-6223
We wanted to give everyone an update on this year's winter league.
We have set up the divisions, put in everyone's schedule requests into the program and will be done with the first version of the schedule tonight. Starting tomorrow we will start reviewing the schedules and make the necessary changes and will hopefully complete this process by Thursday morning. At that point we will review the gym schedules to make sure everything looks god and have them down to final tentative version on Saturday. This will gove us 2 days to get with some of the larger programs to make sure we are on same page. The planis to post the schedules Monday November 27th and email coaches with them that day.
The 2nd and 3rd grade boys are being scheduled under the same link but in different divisions. Please understand that 2nd grade teams are playing other 2nd grade teams and same for 3rd. The reason we scheduled them under smae link is in case we need to adjust schedules after Christmas break to have stronger 2nd grade teams play lower 3rd grade teams. We also scheduled all the girls leagues under the same link so we could do crossover divisional games when needed. We will revisit all schedules at Christmas break and make adjustments the league deems necessary at that time.
Some important dates:
November 27th League schedules released
League fees and rosters due
December 1 First day of games
December 22 - 31 Christmas Break
February 18 Last day for league games
February 23 - March 6 Post Season Tourney
Over the next 24-48 hours we will send out the final league rules and any other necessary items we fell you need. If you have not paid your league fees you can do so by paying through Paypal on this link https://basketball.exposureevents.com/210636/swob-winter-league/payments, sending through Venmo to @southwesternohiobasketball or to Cash App to $swohiobasketball. These fees along with rosters need to be turned in by November 27th or yoour team will be removed form the schedules that week. If you need to make arrangements to pay or drop off any of these items email Tom Sunderman at tom_sunderman@yahoo.com or James Deaton at jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com.
If you have any questions at this time please send them to us and we will fo the best we can to get back to you.
Oak Hills Youth Athletics
All event related questions should be directed to Tom Sunderman at Tom_Sunderman@yahoo.com or call 513-235-9007.