SWOB - Winter League Lord's Gym Price Hill Girls (Townsend)
Hi coaches, if you are playing in the post-season tournament and have not yet confirmed you have received your schedule, please do so as soon as possible by emailing jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com with your team’s name and division
2/20/2025 12:15 AM
Hi coaches and parents, the updated post-season brackets have been posted, please use the following link to view all game times and locations as they may have changed during the update:
If your team is participating in the post-season tournament, please confirm you have received your schedule by emailing jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com with your team name and division. We look forward to seeing everyone this weekend!
Hi coaches and parents. We are still working on the final post-season brackets and they will be posted by noon tomorrow. At that point there will not be any major changes to the schedules and we will just be dealing with issues on a game by game basis if they come up
2/19/2025 12:38 AM
Hi coaches and parents. The brackets for the post-season tournament has been posted. To view the brackets please follow the link below:
If there are any issues with your schedule, please let us know by emailing jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com and tom_sunderman@yahoo.com by Monday Night at Midnight and we will work to try and adjust. Final Post-Season brackets will be posted on Tuesday
Hi coaches and parents. The following locations are closed for today: Friars Club, Princeton Middle School, McNicholas High School, Lincoln Heights Elementary School. If you are scheduled to play in one of those facilities, that game has been canceled.Also, we are canceling games through 12:00 PM at ALL Facilities. The first game at any facility today will be 1:00 PM if not listed above. We will keep a close look at the weather and keep you updated on if that changes.
2/16/2025 9:53 AMHi coaches. The first version of the post-season brackets will be posted this weekend. Tom had a family emergency and has not had a chance to review them yet. Any games showing on your schedule as of now for the post-season are not finalized
2/14/2025 11:22 PMHi coaches. We have only had about 100 teams confirm whether or not they will be participating in our post season tournament taking place February 21st-March 5th. There is no extra cost associated with the post-season tournament besides covering the ref fee for each game. If you have not yet let us know if your team will be playing or not, then please email jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com with your team name and division and whether or not your team will be participating by tomorrow at midnight
2/9/2025 4:58 PMHi coaches. As the season is coming to an end, we need to confirm which teams will be in the post-season tournament. Whether your team is planning on participating or not, please email jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com with your team name and division to let us know. We are also looking to make sure we have all scores entered thoughout the season to update the standings as best as possible. If you have a score that has not yet been put in, please email it to jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com. We will begin our post-season tournament on February 21st and it will run through March 5th. If your team is playing and has any conflicts for these dates, please have them submitted by Monday, February 10th. The tournament seeding will be somewhat based on league standings, but will not be exact as some teams may be moved up or down a level based on how they fared throughout the season
2/6/2025 1:27 PMIf the lot is full, additional parking is available BEHIND the dry cleaners next store to the building. There is also a park & ride lot next to the dry cleaners that you can park in as well.
1/18/2025 6:20 PMHi coaches and parents. Due to the severe winter storm we have in the area we are canceling all games 2:00 PM and on Today, January 5th. ALL facilities have canceled games today. An email will be sent out at a later time to try and reschedule some of these games. Stay warm and be safe!
1/5/2025 1:34 PMHi coaches and parents. Due to the severe winter storm we have in the area we are canceling all games 2:00 PM and on Today, January 5th. ALL facilities have canceled games today. An email will be sent out at a later time to try and reschedule some of these games. Stay warm and be safe!
1/5/2025 1:13 PMHi coaches. As of now (9:15 AM Sunday), games are still on for today. We will continue to monitor the weather throughout the day to ensure games can continue in a safe manner
1/5/2025 9:20 AMHi coaches and parents. We have been receiving messages and emails about canceling games tomorrow due to the weather. As of now we are NOT canceling the games for tomorrow. We hold the safety of all of the players, parents, coaches, and facility workers to the utmost importance and are monitoring the weather as it develops. However, we will not cancel anything until we see the true severity of the storm. Over the past 10 years we have seen schools and gyms close in advance due to threats of severe weather, when there ended up not being any at all. Again, we will be closely monitoring the weather throughout tonight and tomorrow. If we do cancel, an email will be sent out through exposure, as well as it will be posted on our website www.swohiosports.com at the top of our homepage
1/4/2025 7:28 PMHi coaches and parents. We have been receiving messages and emails about canceling games tomorrow due to the weather. As of now we are NOT canceling the games for tomorrow. We hold the safety of all of the players, parents, coaches, and facility workers to the utmost importance and are monitoring the weather as it develops. However, we will not cancel anything until we see the true severity of the storm. Over the past 10 years we have seen schools and gyms close in advance due to threats of severe weather, when there ended up not being any at all. Again, we will be closely monitoring the weather throughout tonight and tomorrow. If we do cancel, an email will be sent out through exposure, as well as it will be posted on our website www.swohiosports.com at the top of our homepage
1/4/2025 5:11 PMIf your team is not participating in our Christmas Classic, please disregard the previous email. That email was sent to the wrong event
12/27/2024 6:00 PMHi coaches. We have only had about 75 teams confirm their updated schedule that was finalized yesterday, Tuesday, December 10th at 2:10 PM. If you have not yet done so, please confirm you have recieved your final updated schedule by emailing jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com. There have been many changes since the tentative schedule confirmations last week and we want to ensure all teams have received any changes to prevent any no-shows going forward
12/11/2024 4:07 PM
Hi coaches and parents, the Final Version of the schedule was been posted at 2:10 PM today, December 10th. Please use the following link to view all updated game times and locations as there have been many changes:
Coaches, please confirm your full schedule by emailing jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com with your team name and divison. The schedule is now final and we will be handling any conflicts that arise with those individual teams. To view our conflict policy, please Click Here. To report scores, please visit: https://www.swohiosports.com/leagues and scroll to the bottom of the page to report your score, please do so the day of your game. Only the winning team will need to report the score and all reported scores will be posted throughout the following week. Please Click Here to view a set of our league rules.
Hi coaches, so far we have only had about a quarter of the teams confirm their games for this weekend. If you have not yet confirmed, please do so as soon as possible by emailing jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com with your team name, grade, time and location. We want to ensure every team has recieved their first games to ensure we don't have any no-shows to begin the season. The conflict/reschedule policy has been posted on www.swohiosport.com on the home and league pages. To view a copy of the conflict policy, please Click Here. To view a copy of our winter league rules, please Click Here. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tom at Tom_Sunderman@yahoo.com and James at jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com
12/3/2024 5:14 PM
Coaches and Parents,
Tentative schedules have just been posted. To view the schedule, please Click Here. We have put over 150 hours of man hours working on these and reviewing them. We tried to honor all schedule requests but there were some rare occasions we couldn't honor them. This usually occurred when the team you are playing had opposite requst. We also was trying to avoid any team having more than one bye weekend unless you requested off certain weekends.
If you have any iissues with your schedule please email jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com and tom_sunderman@yahoo.com. We will review them and see what we can do. We cannot guarantee anything at this time, but like we have the last 29 years we will do the best we can. This year we will be strictly enforcing the penalties for teams who fail to show up for their game or cancel their game without proper notification. We will send out our reschedule policy tomorrow along with a copy of the league rules.
At this time we need all contact info for each team if you have not submitted it. Also all rosters are due this week. You can make adjustments to your schedule until December 31st, but any additions to your roster must be submitted before that player plays in a game. A player may play on more than one team as long as they are in a separate division. You can go on Exposure to submit your roster or you can email it to tom_sunderman@yahoo.com but it must be done this week if you haven't already.
Look for more info to come out tomorrow. Thanks
Tom Sunderman 235-9007
James Deaton 289-6223
Hi coaches. Attached to this email is a VERY tentative first version of the winter league schedules. Please do not forward these to your teams as they are just being sent to coaches and games will change. Please review these schedules and let us know by 5:00 PM on Friday, November 29th if you have any issues. Please email any issues to both tom_sunderman@yahoo.com and jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com. We will try and make any changes that we can, but cannot gurantee everything. Every team is not scheduled all 10 games at this point. Any team that does not have all 10 games will have them scheduled by the time the full schedule is published on Monday, December 2nd.
11/28/2024 12:03 AMHi coaches. We will be sending out a VERY tentative schedule tomorrow evening to all of the coaches (please do not forward them to your teams/parents, it is for coaches only). Please review them when possible and let us know by Friday, November 29th if there any any issues. We will try to make any changes that we can, but we cannot gurantee anything. A full schedule will be posted on Monday, December 2nd
11/26/2024 9:33 PMHi coaches and parents. A schedule will be released by Monday, December 2nd. If you have any schedule requests, please send them to jdeaton.athletics@gmail.com and Tom_Sunderman@yahoo.com as soon as possible. All rosters need to be in, as well as all league fees need to be paid by December 1st. A link to the schedule will be on our website (www.swohiosports.com), and an email will be sent out to all coaches when it is posted.
11/18/2024 10:32 PMAll event related questions should be directed to Tom Sunderman at Tom_Sunderman@yahoo.com or call 513-235-9007.