Michigan Girls AAU Basketball presents

3rd-8th AAU Girls Basketball State Championships(DQT)

April 28-29, 2018
Lansing, Michigan
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Michigan AAU State DQT will have D1 & D2 Championships based on entries and the previous year’s results.

  • Tournament
  • All teams
  • Girls: 8th-3rd
  • Ability: Elite/Competitive
  • entry fee
  • 3 game guarantee


Lansing, MI


Stephen Benard


General Information


Event Dates/Locations: Grades (4th-8th) April 28th & 29th, 2018 in Lansing-(Aim High Sports-7977 Centerline Dr, Dimondale, MI 48821) | (9th-Open) June 2nd & 3rd, 2018 in Detroit, MI.


Sports Director: Stephen Benard 313-580-0351 steve@mwabasketball.com


Michigan Governor: Cindi Trombley 810-513-0399 cinditrombly@aol.com


Tournament Levels/Seeding/Format: Michigan AAU State DQT will have D1 & D2 Championships based on entries and the previous year’s results. The tournament format and seeding process for the events will be determined at the seeding meeting. Meeting is TBA…


AAU Registration:This event is licensed by the Amateur Athletic Union of the U.S., Inc. All participants must have a current AAU membership. AAU membership may not be included as part of the entry fee to the event. AAU Youth Athlete membership must be obtained before the competition begins. BE PREPARED! Adult and Non Athlete memberships are no longer instant and cannot be applied for at event. Participants are encouraged to visit the AAU website www.aausports.org to obtain their membership.


Entry Deadline 4th-8th: Must register by Wednesday, April 18, 2018. Late entries are accepted until Sunday, April 22, 2018 with a $50 late fee if an opening exists.


Entry Deadline 9th-Open: Must register by Wednesday, May 23, 2018. Late entries are accepted until Sunday, May 27, 2018 with a $50 late fee if an opening exists.


Registration & Payment: Please submit your team’s registration at www.aaugirlsbbmi.com .  Entry fee as follows: 1-Team $375, 2-3 Teams $325-per team, 4 or more teams $300-per team. Please mail check or Money Order payable to Michigan Girls AAU Basketball-16400 Eastland Dr., Roseville, MI 48066.


Coach Responsibility: Coaches are responsible for all standard AAU rules of play, equipment. Team must have both Light and Dark uniform. All coaches will adhere to dress code (collared shirt, no cut offs or open toe shoes) and behavior sportsmanship ethics code.


Rules of Play: MHSAA rules Grades 4th-Open. The complete AAU Handbook pdf is at http://image.aausports.org/handbooks/girls_basketball/girlsbasketball-Handbook.pdf


Forfeiture: Teams who do not show up for a tournament game will lose their registration and entry fees.


Admission: Adult are $10 per day or $15 for a weekend pass. Seniors and Student are $5 per day. Non School Age Children are Free.


Awards: AAU medals and trophies will be awarded to the first (1) and (2) place teams.


All event related questions should be directed to Stephen Benard at steve@bcdetroit.com or call 313-580-0351.